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Dreamweaver 8 Double-spacing Code Lines

Guest Brivtech

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Guest Brivtech

My laptop copy of Dreamweaver 8 has started double spacing all the lines in my code. For example, it's showing...




|   CubeCart 4

|   ========================================

|	CubeCart is a registered trade mark of Devellion Limited

|   Copyright Devellion Limited 2006. All rights reserved.

|   Devellion Limited,

instead of...




|   CubeCart 4

|   ========================================

|	CubeCart is a registered trade mark of Devellion Limited

|   Copyright Devellion Limited 2006. All rights reserved.

|   Devellion Limited,

When I look again in code view, I can see it's adding in extra paragraph breaks (the same thing as when you hit enter, and it moved the code onto a new line).

I can't find a solution to this anywhere. Can anyone help? Some of the files I need to edit are hundreds of lines long, and I can't go through them deleting out all the extra linespaces before I re-save the files.

I thought of 'Apply source formatting' to fix it, but that works just on the HTML elements of the page, so it's not a solution.

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Guest Brivtech

I think I fixed it.

I changed the .php extension from ws-FTP Pro to force a binary mode download, ad opened the file up again in dreamweaver, seems to work now.

Strange things computers sometimes.

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