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Typical: Is Cube Cart Right For Me?

Guest Brandon!

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Guest Brandon!

I am going to be working on a site that deals in memorabilia and autographs. The product listings will change all of the time and there will be 10's of thousands of products in as little as the first couple months. The shelf life for a product can be anywhere from just a few days to a couple months long. Just as quickly as one leaves, another one or two may come up. The company that is doing this is already established and has a decent inventory that they want to rush online as soon as possible. I have set up a few requirements initially that play a big role in choosing the right cart:

  • Multiple nested categories - the category tree will be big! A hundred or so categories, probably 3 or 4 levels deep
  • Easily add products/categories - the store owner is not great with computers, and I do not want to be their "product launcher" forever :whistle:
  • Associate photos with products
  • Batch upload of products (while associating with categories, photos, etc.)

Other than that, I'm confident that Cube Cart can be skinned relatively easily. I have not seen the admin interface, but I have seen some very nice looking live stores and I hear great things about this community. I hope to start this website quickly and allow it to expand mostly on it's own.

Does it sound like Cube Cart would be a good fit for me?



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