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Site Does Not Function Correctly With Ssl Enabled

Guest maksum

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I've searched and read and searched and read some more, yet still cannot figure out how to get my SSL certificate working correctly on my Web site.

Here is some info on my configuration:

CubeCart Version: 3.0.17

Root SECURE Public HTML Folder to store: "/"

Absolute SECURE URL to store: https://www.gardenhighlights.com

(yes, my store is just in the root and not in a subdirectory)

Here is the info I find in my global.inc.php file if that is helpful also:


$glob['dbdatabase'] = '____________';

$glob['dbhost'] = '____________';

$glob['dbpassword'] = '____________';

$glob['dbprefix'] = '';

$glob['dbusername'] = '____________';

$glob['installed'] = '1';

$glob['rootDir'] = '/data/13/1/5/0/1331652/user/1427047/htdocs';

$glob['rootRel'] = '/';

$glob['storeURL'] = 'http://www.gardenhighlights.com';


If I enable the SSL through admin, then try to access admin, firefox gives me this message:

The page isn't redirecting properly

Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.

* This problem can sometimes be caused by disabling or refusing to accept cookies.

So I then use the "editconf.php" file/trick to disable the SSL so I can at least access admin.

I have tried many different configurations on the cubecart side, but nothing worked. I believe I have the settings right. I then found this article, which seems to describe the situation perfectly:


It suggests to set up a "sslcheck.php" file to check the status of things on your server. If you need to grab some of that info you can view it here:


Just as the article points out, neither $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] or $_SERVER["HTTPS"] are present. So I start wondering if this is on the hosting side, which is done through Network Solutions. (btw, this is a stand-along SSL cert that I have and NOT a shared deal.)

After spending some time with NS support, they recognize that it's looping and suggest I find a way to disable the checking so that it doesn't get caught in that loop. Here is what they said:

Our proxy SSL doesn't allow server-side variables to detect HTTPS (secure). All server-side coding will always detect HTTP (non-secure), and for programs that attempt to redirect non-secure connections (http://) to a secure connection (https://) will result in an infinite loop and server error after 30 seconds.

The only ways around this is to (1) assume the connection is secure by making all the links to the sensitive pages https, or

(2) use a client-side program (like javascript) to detect if it's secure and redirect if it's not. The coding below will do just that. Just modify it to redirect to the correct secure domain and add it into the HTML of any sensitive pages.

<script language="javascript">

if (document.location.protocol != "https:")


document.location.href = "https://secure.domain.com" + document.location.pathname;



So I went ahead and placed that javascript in the cart.tpl file (adjusting the URL of course to "https://www.gardenhighlights.com"). But then when I try to access the cart through the front-end I just get this nasty message:

"Internal Server Error. Please contact a server administrator."

Has anyone else had success setting up a cubecart 3.x store with Network Solutions hosting and SSL Cert.? Anyone have any ideas what the issue could be?

Would very much appreciate some assistance if you can offer.


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