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Code Being Displayed As Text

Guest Brivtech

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Guest Brivtech

Can anyone help with this?

I'm using FCK editor as an additional input source in the same way that CC uses it. It also saves to the database in the same way.

The problem I'm having is that when I'm echoing the code back onto the web page, it displays all the HTML code tags, rather than acting on them, for instance:

First Line<br>Second Line

... where it should be:

First Line

Second Line

What's going on here?

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Guest EverythingWeb

Can you post an example of the whole block of code that's not rendering properly.

How are you echoing the HTML out?

CubeCart uses a method called writeHTML() or validHTML()

(Cant remember off top of my head).

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Brivtech

Sorry it took a while to get back to this, I've been a bit distracted.

Looks like you spotted the problem straight on! I was using validHTML, and deleting it fixed the problem. I popped it in there, because I was working around some related code:


...which it obviously didn't need here.

Cheers and many thanks. :(

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