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Cubecart Is Offending The Taiwanese!

Guest spanishben

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Guest spanishben

Hi all,

I'm using CC version 3, and I just got this email from a customer:

I am a Taiwanese student studying in Japan. I love your program so much that I decided to buy the worksheets. In the process of the purchase, though, I felt quite uncomfortable that Taiwan was indicated as a PROVINCE OF CHINA. I have no intention to change your political stance about the relation between Taiwan and China, if there is any. But for your information, many Taiwanese would feel offended by such wording. I know some Taiwanese students who are also listening to your fantastic program, and the only thing we find unsatisfactory about your service is the unpleasant way how our nation appears in the registration form, which I strongly recommend to be revised. I believe more Taiwanese students can enjoy your program without feeling bad in this way.

This is easily editable in the countries section of the admin panel (taking out the 'Province of China' bit). Probably worth doing!


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Guest Brivtech

Such is the ever-changing face of our world, many references are no longer valid. Information on the internet isn't always updated properly, and reference-books in today's world have a very short lifespan. Gone are the days where a set of encyclopedias would remain accurate for decades.

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Hi all,

I'm using CC version 3, and I just got this email from a customer:

I am a Taiwanese student studying in Japan. I love your program so much that I decided to buy the worksheets. In the process of the purchase, though, I felt quite uncomfortable that Taiwan was indicated as a PROVINCE OF CHINA. I have no intention to change your political stance about the relation between Taiwan and China, if there is any. But for your information, many Taiwanese would feel offended by such wording. I know some Taiwanese students who are also listening to your fantastic program, and the only thing we find unsatisfactory about your service is the unpleasant way how our nation appears in the registration form, which I strongly recommend to be revised. I believe more Taiwanese students can enjoy your program without feeling bad in this way.

This is easily editable in the countries section of the admin panel (taking out the 'Province of China' bit). Probably worth doing!


In CC4, it's already defined as just 'Taiwan', I think we got rid of the "Province of China" bit a while ago

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