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PHP Code oozing below page...


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I am wondering how to fix this: I have PHP code visibly displaying below my store page. Example:

$_POST Variables:

No Data!

$_GET Variables:



	[ccUser] => 3f96c808ba73f9e69e3142abd2035f07


$_COOKIE Variables:

etc, etc, etc

You can see it here:


I am new to CubeCart, have just begun to alter some of my control panel settings, have altered a bit of CSS, not sure how I caused this to happen. FYI, if I change template themes, the PHP code still displays on the page, so I don't think it has to do with me tweaking the CSS.

Thanks for any help!


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Guest Brivtech

You need to turn off the debug output. You've gone and switched it on without realising.

Go into your admin control panel, under general settings, find the Styles & Misc. section, and inside that, make sure Enable debug output? is set to NO. When you update settings, the code will disappear.

It's not actually php code, more a summary of things happening with variables and database queries on the page. It helps anyone who is modifying the code (or trying to find a bug or even a hacking attempt) to know what's going on.

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