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Dropped from top google positions...?

Guest xceejayx

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Guest xceejayx

This morning i looked at my Analytics, and noticed a dramatic decrease in visitors to my site over the past 3 days. Where i was getting 400 unique visitors a day, I am now getting less than 100.

Most of my visitors come through google, so i immediately checked some of my keywords to see where i was ranking.

For the past year i have been at the top of google for the search term "belt buckles", but now my site is nowhere to be found. I've looked all the way up to page 30 of the results, and nothing. This has happened to all of my popular search results.

Does anybody know why something like this would happen? Or anyone else experienced such a dramatic, instant drop in their search rankings?

Could it just be that google missed my site out on the last crawl?

My pages still seem to be indexed when i search site:myholes.co.uk

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Guest Brivtech

They may have updated their ranking criteria.

I hear they do this to keep spammers on their toes.

One thing I found is they have multiple indexing servers, that rank your site differently. Perhaps the servers have been switched.

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Guest Brivtech

To be honest, I haven't been too happy with Google recently, I'm actually finding that Yahoo indexes better - For starters, Yahoo indexes my actual home page for the listing, whereas Google seems to have been picking a page at random.

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Guest xceejayx

THANK GOD - it appears it was just a temporary 'blip'. I seem to be at the top for most of my usual searches again now :rolleyes:

Interesting about yahoo, however i never seem to make it into the first page of results, which i find odd. I guess they have a completely different set of criteria they rank sites by. So i only end up getting less than 2% of my visitors from them, whereas google sends me approx 70% of my visitors.

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Guest xceejayx

I have robstas sitemap mod which generates:


sitemap-google.php (xml)


I submit the text one to yahoo. would the xml one be better?

Although looking on yahoo just now - they actually seem to have more of my pages indexed than google do. Just not actually ranking highly!

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