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Hi - newbie asking questions

Guest gibby

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Guest gibby

Hi, Im looking for some feedback

Im considering using CC as our current software is causing us problems

what I need to know :

will cc handle stock levels for products with multiple sizes? ie, shoes in szie 3 to 11 etc

is the protx payment module included???

I need to run a weekly sales report. Will it list the vat generated? & can it handle vat at different levels?

How easy is it to put insome design? as In not good a designer but can do some HTML, are there plenty of skins to buy?



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Hi Gibby,

CubeCart is a nice system. Before I came here, I had used a couple of more expensive carts, and although they had more features "out of the box", they were difficult to customize and had lots of bugs.

Tracking inventory on separate product options is possible with a 3rd party mod, not "out of the box". For mods, check www.cubecartforums.org.

I'm not sure about the protx option. Check the feature list and see if it's listed there.


Reports are one of CCs weak points, although much better in version 4. I may be wrong, but I don't think either one will give you a weekly total of VAT collected. Perhaps you can check over at the mod site (link above) for that.

Skins are one of CCs strong points, however. LOTs of free skins available, as well as some commercial ones. Skins are relatively easy to create and modify, and a little HTML/CSS knowledge goes a long way. A great resource to learn more is www.w3schools.com.

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Guest gibby

Thanks for that.

Im trying to avoid the situation I had/have with miva,

the site states everything is available but once you get it, it needs alot of mods & time

CC looks good but Im shocked that carts dont have this vat thing built in as its essential to most firms



Hi Gibby,

CubeCart is a nice system. Before I came here, I had used a couple of more expensive carts, and although they had more features "out of the box", they were difficult to customize and had lots of bugs.

Tracking inventory on separate product options is possible with a 3rd party mod, not "out of the box". For mods, check www.cubecartforums.org.

I'm not sure about the protx option. Check the feature list and see if it's listed there.


Reports are one of CCs weak points, although much better in version 4. I may be wrong, but I don't think either one will give you a weekly total of VAT collected. Perhaps you can check over at the mod site (link above) for that.

Skins are one of CCs strong points, however. LOTs of free skins available, as well as some commercial ones. Skins are relatively easy to create and modify, and a little HTML/CSS knowledge goes a long way. A great resource to learn more is www.w3schools.com.

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Most of us use a separate accounting program (such as Quickbooks like I do) to track taxes, sales reports, etc. V4 of cc has some of that sort of thing built it, but cubecart is not meant to be an accounting program.

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