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Can someone help me with my database

Guest JodieR

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Guest JodieR

* I have posted this on the other forum, but posting here as well to try and reach as many database WHIZ's as I can*

I need to convert (export) my MYSQL 4 database to 5 so it works properly for my store :)

I contacted my host and they said there is nothing they can do to help me.

I understand that there are some things (syntax?) that need to be "converted" from 4 to 5 for them to work.

I've been playing with dumps - trying my best in an area I'm really not that great at - (which are way too big and now I find out probably won't work anyway coz they're not compatible). Researching and researching to know avail. I have NO IDEA WHAT TO DO or HOW to do it (sob sob).

Can someone please help me... I obviously need to work this out one way or another or start from scratch, and OMG... that's just unthinkable I have a well established store with lots of info in that database.

When I first tried to dump/export... (not knowing about incompatibility stuff) and not knowing which boxes to tick to include in the export so have tried different combinations... the file size got up to 8MB, the smallest being around 3.5MB

I downloaded a 3rd party dump program to do a partial export to get large files across, but obviously it's not working because .. well.. it can't be compatible. :lol:

I don't know what else to do.... I need someone to do this for me or give me detailed instructions on how to do it???? Can anyone help? Pleeeeeease? Pretty Pleeeeeease?

Current database is 4.0.2

New database is 5.0.45

website http://www.alluringfashions.com

CC v4.2.2

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Guest Brivtech

I recently upgraded a CC store from 3.0.17 to 4.2.1.

As I have the same hosting configuration as you, I went into mySQL, clicked on Databases, selected the database name, clicked on the export tab, selected SQL as the type (on the left), and just ticked everything in the structure and data sections (on the right). I probably didn't need to, but all the data was there.

I didn't bother saving as file, not using compression. Just clicked GO. I could smell burning, and hear cogs whirring, and after about 20 seconds, the window appeared as a SQL dump within a panel. Here, I right-clicked Select All, then copied.....

... Now, having already set up my new database (but with nothing in it yet), I simply selected it, and clicked the SQL tab. in the smallish window that says runSQL query....... I simply pasted in the copied data from before, then hit Go.

Lo and behold, the database was transferred and updated from SQL 4 to 5.

Because the old database was for CC3, I ran the upgrade script in the install folder. As I believe you're upgrading between CC4 versions, this should all be handled automatically.

Make backups of your database and system files just in case things stop working.

Hope that helps.

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Guest JodieR

awesome ;)


I will give this a whirl tonight.

Do you mind if I ask how big your database is?

It all seems a little bit simple? Which has me worried LOL... BUT... Fingers crossed!!!

Thanks chief. I really do appreciate your instructions! :yeahhh:

I tried... and I got this error:


SQL query:


MySQL said: Documentation

#1044 - Access denied for user 'AlluringStore'@'%' to database 'jodier'

hmmm.. I'm posting these posts as I'm attempting to conquer this... I changed the first part of the dump to say the new database name AlluringStore, thinking that may be the problem.... I've already created the database, but there is nothing at all in it...

i then got this message:


SQL query:

CREATE DATABASE `AlluringStore` ;

MySQL said: Documentation

#1007 - Can't create database 'AlluringStore'; database exists

Okay... I left off the top half

-- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump

-- version 2.7.0-pl2

-- http://www.phpmyadmin.net


-- Host:

-- Generation Time: May 13, 2008 at 01:00 AM

-- Server version: 4.0.27

-- PHP Version: 4.4.4





-- Database: `AlluringStore`


DROP DATABASE `AlluringStore`;

CREATE DATABASE `AlluringStore`;

USE AlluringStore;

-- --------------------------------------------------------

which appears to have worked.

Although i am a bit concerned about those parameters that weren't commented out...

off to change the config and TEST via the site.. touch wood.

FIngers crossed!

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Guest Brivtech

Oh yes, I didn't mention, that I kept the old and new database names as the same for simplicity.

The transfer I made was just over 800K

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Guest JodieR

I wasn't able to create one with the same name (without deleting the old one)...

So does it matter that i left that stuff out at the top?

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Guest JodieR

that's what I thought.. THat is the extent of my knowledge.. just knowing that most of it was commented LOL.

Well I've just modified my global inc file and about to upload.

DO i have to do something to syncronise the database? with the site? ooooh I"m nervous.. hope this works!

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Guest JodieR

WOOOHOOO!!! Looks like it worked (touch wood!) YAYEEEEEE!!!!!

Fixed up some of the nasty database glitches on the site now too. which I was hoping it would.. Ahhhh such a relief to be working well!...

Now off to do some modding .... THANKS FOR YOUR HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest JodieR

oooooooooookay.... just found an error... my coupon table obviously didn't generate.

I get this error in the admin panel when i click on the coupon link:

MySQL Error Occurred

Error Message:

1146: Table 'AlluringStore.CubeCart_Coupons' doesn't exist


SELECT * FROM CubeCart_Coupons

How do i add a table?

or is there a way that i can run a database update (to make sure nothing else has been missed) by doing some sort of upgrade or running the set up folder again?

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