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Possible to change price display?

Guest darrinbreen

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Guest darrinbreen

I'm building a cubecart site for a company that manufactures a line of heath and beauty products - soaps, lotions and the like. They have a number of house lines for their products that come in basically 3 different sizes - 8 ounce, 16 ounce and one gallon. I've set up the store to reflect each product as it's own entry and use the product options to change the price for each size. My concern is that having the base price of the product - which I'm using as the 8 ounce size is sort of confusing.... up top there is a price and then down below the price is reflected again with 2 other prices. My question is... is does anyone know of the ability to do either one of 2 things through a mod or what not..... could I either annotate the set price in cubecart to reflect size? IE in the price field when entering the product is it possible to add more than just a number say "7.99 for 8oz" instead of just 7.99 - OR - is it possible to hide the default price only for certain products and just use the options? I know I could probably figure out how to delete the place for it in the template... however.... for products that have no options with associated prices it seems a bit silly to force a pull down menu with only one option? In other words it would be great if there was a mod out there that when no price was entered into the price field that field would be hidden to visitors - similar to the call for price mod.

Does this all make sense? any help or advice anyone has would be great!

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Guest estelle

Look for a mod called 'Dynamic Product Prices', it does exactly what you are after. Also you may find 'Quick Edit Product Options' useful.

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Guest darrinbreen

Look for a mod called 'Dynamic Product Prices', it does exactly what you are after. Also you may find 'Quick Edit Product Options' useful.

Thanks Estelle, that does seem to do pretty much exactly what I want. The only thing that would be really cool.... unless I missed it in the demo.... would be the ability to put a "label" after the price.... in the demo, as it changes the price it would look something like this:

Price: $5.01 for Green

Instead of just:

Price: $5.01

Thanks for the tip.... I have already installed Quick Product Options and have found it very useful.

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Guest estelle

There's no way to put a label after the price, since in many cases the product options can get quite complicated (size, colour, style, etc).

With QEPO note that you can use the 'New Base Price' options and thus the full price can be displayed within the product option drop down rather than +/- price adjustment.

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Guest bennyuk

You can easily add the option name if you have only one set of options for your products,

eg colour, giving

Price: $5.01 for Green

But if you have colour AND Size, then it DOESNT work easily, as it would have to work out multiple options, eg

Price: $5.01 for Green - Large

and again you'd have to specify which exact version of cubecart your using, but its definately possible with one set of options per product.


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Guest darrinbreen

You can easily add the option name if you have only one set of options for your products,

eg colour, giving

Price: $5.01 for Green

But if you have colour AND Size, then it DOESNT work easily, as it would have to work out multiple options, eg

Price: $5.01 for Green - Large

and again you'd have to specify which exact version of cubecart your using, but its definately possible with one set of options per product.


I'm using 4.2.2 - I have multiple sets of options, but only one of which effects price... so that is the only one that I'd like to draw attention to. I'd love the ability to have it look like this: Price: $8.99 8oz instead of Price: $8.99

Does this seem like it is possible with multiple option sets - even through only one would be the "label".... in this case size....?

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Guest bennyuk

Thats all sounds perfectly possible, but you'd have submit a custom mod request over at cubcarfrums.org as it is beyond the scope of this forum.

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