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possible to get options names in shopping cart box?

Guest darrinbreen

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Guest darrinbreen

I'm not to sure if this is the best place to post this or if cubecartforms.org would be better, but... here goes....

I would love to be able to add options descriptions to the shopping basket (cart) box visible by default in the sidebar of the site as one is shopping (not the view cart page - the box content).

I'm building a CC site for a client that people often make multiple purchases of the same product - soap differing by fragrance. Anyway, I've been told that with their current phone ordering system people often order up to 48 different varieties of the same product (soap). I'm trying to make the process as smooth as is humanly possible for site visitors to add the same product a lot of times and have already added the "product added to basket" message mod to help make the process of adding multiples smoother.... but it would be nice if in the shopping basket box it listed the option selected in addition to the quantity, price, and product name. So that someone that added 6 glycerin jasmine soaps would see that insted of just 6 glycerine soaps - make sense?

Has anyone done this? Is it possible? any other tips/mods to help my situation would also be appreciated

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Guest feeble_fuel

I need this too. This seems like it would be a basic function of the cart so people know what options they have ordered. Has there been any response on this?

I'm still in the demo period and I'm a little concerned the lack of forum responses on a lot of posts here.

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