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Sub Categories always visible

Guest johnsimpson

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Guest johnsimpson


I was wondering if this was possible / already been done somewhere....

I want to change the category navigation so that it will also show the sub categories as well as the parent categories. So for example:

Parent Category

- Sub cat 1

- Sub cat 2

Parent Cat 2

- Sub Cat 1

- Sub Cat 2

and so on....

I have looked in the categories.inc.php file and see that it is restricted using the WHERE cat_father_id = 0 clause in the SQL statement, if i remove this it does display all the categories with their children, but i cannot work out how to apply different styles to them.

Ideally i want the parent category to be in a header style and the sub cats to be listed in <li> tags as they are now.

Can anyone help / point me in the right direction so i can achieve the layout i want?



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