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Guest midwest

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Guest midwest


Hello and Thank you Stevie.

Thanks for the information. One thing I wonder about however, I had the same account email in both PP settings & in the CC Gen Settings in my v3.0.15 and had no problem.

Is this something new for v3.0.18? Not a big deal to change, just wondering.

Did check the PP email, and it is the primary as I assumed, as the order and money was going where it is supposed to go. This is a "Biz" or "Premier" account.

I have no other emails associated with it.

I got to thinking though, I actually do have two stores, one is shut down but still associated with the PP account and I believe my PP settings are still enabled. Forgot all about that. So I will disable and see what happens.

*JUST TO NOTE - I wanted a completly new build, so my v3.0.18 is a fresh upload ( not an upgrade) with no mods except a new header image and one of Homars skins.

Unless a suggestion is made in this thread to do something else,

For those reading, I will attempt the fix in the following order-

1. Disable old store PP settings in store backend


2. change email in Gen. Settings


I'll let everyone know how it goes.

midwest :)


I tried both of these options and neither worked. Tried them together as well. Still coming up with order failed at confirmation screen, but order IS passing through to paypal. Emails being received.


Ok guys,

Got the problem solved via the instuctions posted in this post at CC.com.

Note it is 2 years old, and requires using "Standard" instead of "IPN", BUT IT WORKS !

Check out "POST #12" in this forum thread-


Before I did apply the changes listed in the post, I re-installed a clean "transfer.inc.php" file from my CCv.18 download file, and a clean intall of Estelles mod, to remove the previous changes I made.

Next I went to my CC Admin and disabled the gateway, and went to Paypal and disabled Auto Return and IPN and saved those changes.

I then followed the instructions in the above post and WHALAH .. It works !!

I have no idea why, but I never got the IPN to work correctly. Even when I went back to the unmodded files.

I think Paypals IPN is just a pain in the a..... Thats all there is to it.

I would like to say THANK YOU to all who helped me with this issue and for understanding my bit of frustration from earlier in this thread.

I wish that my life allowed me more time as I feel as though I should contribute.

Perhaps you guys could develope a Time Managment Mod :)

midwest :w00t:

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