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Displaying an external RSS feed on homepage

Guest wilyam

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Guest wilyam


I'm looking to display my blog's RSS feed on my Cubecart homepage. I will be aiming to pull in the three most recent articles.

As my Cubecart is using tpl files, it is not possible to use any of the standard php RSS display tools such as Simplepie.

Does anyone know how I could achive this - I have gone through everything I can find but cannot find an answer so far....

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If you take a look here (http://code.google.com/apis/ajaxfeeds) this is what we use. If you go to the wizard (http://www.google.com/uds/solutions/wizards/dynamicfeed.html) I used this to create the code for the RSS feed and then altered the CSS as required.

You can see the end result at www.ar4plcs.com - main page at the bottom - BBC News.

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