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Can cubecart do this

Guest matthewjames28

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Guest matthewjames28

There are a couple of things i would like to know can cubecart or anyother shopping cart be ediited in dreamweaver as say i want to add a nother colum can i do it in dreamweaver and see the results as well instaly, also when i add a catogry can i add html to the page sao it looks like this http://www.play.com/campaign.aspx?campaign...58394&dpr=0

Also where can i learn about building a skin from the ground up so not using one of the templates as most people do.


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You will find the documentation available at www.CubeCartForums.org an excellent resource for answering these sorts of questions.

In general, you can edit the templates in Dreamweaver, and when you upload them to your server, you can then see the results immediately after refreshing the page in your web browser.

In CC4 (and CC3 with a free 3rd party mod) you can add HTML to your category pages so they will look like anything you want. The site you referenced has a lot of different things going on which involve more than simple HTML I suspect. If you want to pull data from the catalog or other parts of the database, you'll need more than HTML and the templates to do it.

Check out the documentation at the link above and you'll learn a lot about what you can do with CubeCart.

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