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Letz relax with Fun

Guest Celin George

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Guest Celin George

Some of these <link deleted> made me laugh, I like the back to the future one, "Barack is the future" the BA Barack'as is quite funny too. Anyone else found any fun?

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Guest Brivtech


General Discussion: Discuss anything you want...

maybe you better change the description of this board then since your not allowed to discuss just ANYTHING

Discuss - yes, Spam - No.

Simple really. We get a lot of spammers here and also link farmers, and they won't be tolerated. Quite different from discussing general subjects.

The link I deleted was spam, however, some spammers could actually be genuine users who haven't read the forum rules, so they're given the benefit of the doubt rather than being immediately banned, such as in this case. You'll notice the person hasn't bothered replying to the post - Usually if they're genuine, they don't abandon topics.

Bit Big Brother perhaps? Well, if you saw the content and amount of spam that we delete, you'd be surprised. This is a serious forum dedicated to the CubeCart core software and as such is strictly moderated within the scope of the forum rules. I'm always happy to allow discussions, but not freeloaders. If of course, you are linking to your own CubeCart store, then that's perfectly alright and we're happy for that (So long as it doesn't advertise third party services such as design, hosting, mods, etc. - That's why we have cubecartforums.org for that).

Perhaps you lot would like to know where to find pedo and animal sex sites, viagra, various other drugs, medications and potions, Nigerian money laundering schemes, etc. - Somehow, I think not - 100% no tolerance policy on spam here - Especially that they are not using CubeCart to sell their wares! :angry:

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