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Does CC4 have the same new PHP problem as CC3?


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Does CubeCart version 4 experience the same problem that us on the CubeCart Version 3 are now experiencing with the latest release of PHP Version 5.2.9? With this latest release of PHP, now on every web page shown with CubeCart Version 3 ends with some added garbage characters: Âö‡FÖÃà

I am assuming that support for CC3 is just about finished and I can't keep my online store now looking like this. Is it my best option now to make the move to CubeCart 4? I am just concerned about the data migration and losing all of my existing orders, customers, etc.

-Tim H.

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If that is a problem because of php 5.2.9 I am sure there will be a fix that someone can find. I would not worry about the change to CC4 and the upgrade is easy, you wont loose any data if done correctly. If you have a custom skin it needs converting to be compatable with CC4 but thats pretty easy too. Just ensure you have full backups and make a test store to see how it goes.

Edit. I just checked my test CC3 store with PHP 5.2.9 server and there are no characters like that so it must be another issue.

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If that is a problem because of php 5.2.9 I am sure there will be a fix that someone can find. I would not worry about the change to CC4 and the upgrade is easy, you wont loose any data if done correctly. If you have a custom skin it needs converting to be compatable with CC4 but thats pretty easy too. Just ensure you have full backups and make a test store to see how it goes.

Edit. I just checked my test CC3 store with PHP 5.2.9 server and there are no characters like that so it must be another issue.

Thanks Ausy. I will have to really research the CubeCart 4 as I just remembered the reason I love CC3 so much is the excellent SEO Mod which has really given me so excellent rankings in the search engines. I think this is available to CC4 too so I will have to make sure that will operate exactly the same.

For those new garbage characters appearing the CubeCart 3 stores, so far it looks like google has indexed thousands of them.

Here is the thread on the CC3 issue: http://forums.cubecart.com/index.php?showtopic=37772

Thanks again for your reply Ausy.

-Tim H.

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