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Help Please!


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Hi there, I really need your help please! We are trying to send out emails to our customers with a sales page below on the email which includes pictures and prices etc. I have saved the file as a jif file as well as a pdf file as well as saving it as other types of files. When I copy it or attach it to the email it is only very small and when I make it bigger its claratity becomes unreadable. When I send it, the email goes throught. On opening the email the picture only shows as a box with and x inside it. Can anyone please help me to solve my problem. I would really appreciated it please!!!!! Jacky

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When sending images in emails, you have to have the images hosted somewhere and include an absolute link in the email (the full path such as "http://www.yourstore.com/images/uploads/image.jpg").

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Guest Brivtech

What version of CubeCart are you using for this?

There was a bug in the way that the URL was not given when inserting images into the email body, which has been resolved with the latest CC 4 version. If you don't have that, you will need to click the SOURCE button on your editing window, and track down the image links, making sure you insert the URL beforehand.

The reason the images aren't showing properly, is that the mail reading program can't find the correct path to where the images are located, because it's lacking some of the information.

By the way, when inserting images, and playing around with formatting, make sure you try different email readers - They don't all follow HTML rules, and you may be surprised how they can mess up your formatting. If something doesn't work, take it out.

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