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Cubecart Inventory Import From phpmyadmin

Guest chrisb1357

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Guest chrisb1357

Hi all,

I have seen on the forum that you can import product info from a CSV file in windows. I know basic web stuff but never done such thing and i know there is a mod to buy to do this but i have no funds at the minute so wanted to know if anyone can give me a little help. At the minute my store only has 1 test product in but my supplier has given me a file that i can open in excel with 100;s of products in and image links which is the one i want to import into CubeCart.

I have read that i need to export 2 tables from my current database to get the layout in excel. I know how to get into phpmyadmin but was not sure what options i need to select when i export to my PC. should i export as a CSV or a Windows CSV file and do i need to select anything else when i export


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