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Slow Sales

Guest Tobythedog

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Guest Tobythedog

Anyone else experiencing slow sales for March, I usually do between 10 to 20 orders per day but I am now doing around 5 a day.

I am not worried just yet has anyone experienced this before.

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Guest Tobythedog

Problem now solved.

It seems that my website was down due to my name servers being changed or updated by VeriSign.

Few questions to solve If anyone knows, How come my website was showing up ok on my computer, my ISP which is sky, but when I went to the mother in laws to drop off a camera I thought I would check my website which was showing "Internet explorer cannot display the webpage" and would not load at all. The mother in laws ISP is Virgin media.

I contacted my hosting provider who updated the DNS to resolve to the correct domain and would be live within 6 hours.

I am very annoyed. I have lost 4 days of sales because of this, I was not even told about this and if I had not gone to the mother in laws I would not have known of this problem.

Is this common practice with hosts and VeriSign not to say anything?

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The way I understand it is that each internet service provider has their own DNS servers which update data at various intervals. They are all linked together as in a chain. If some of the servers are down for whatever reason - ie, the center of the chain is broken - ones on either end are still functional and able to find your site, but any in the center cannot. Now add to that linear model hundreds of other server chains crossing both the good and bad sections, and you soon see that any that route through the down servers will be unable to find your site, while others still can.

Unfortunately, unless someone complains about it, your hosts may not be aware of it since the chains their server links to are fine.

Hope that helps.

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Guest Tobythedog

Cheers for the reply.

It seems my domain name did not have an A record.

This is what Verisign said:

This may be related to the recent change that Verisign made to .com, .net and .edu in preparation for the root zone being DNSSEC signed in a couple of months. If your nameservers do not have A records they will no longer resolve and as such you will get a failure if you do not have the site already cached.

Verisign has more detailed information regarding this at the following URL:


All sorted now, worth checking with your hosting provider, I can.t be the only one caught out by this.

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