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Hide Stock Warnings on the Admin Page for Disabled Products

Guest bluesphee

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Guest bluesphee

This may come in handy for someone...

I wanted to hide the stock warnings that show up in the admin home page if the product was marked to disabled. To make this change I just had to modify both SELECT statements in the home/index.inc.php file. The code was changed to look like this:

if ($config['stock_warn_type'] == 1) {

	$query = "SELECT name, stock_level, productId FROM ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_inventory WHERE useStockLevel = 1 AND stock_level <= stockWarn AND disabled != 1 ORDER BY stock_level ASC"; 

} else {

	if (!is_numeric($config['stock_warn_level'])) $config['stock_warn_level'] = 5;

	$query = "SELECT name, stock_level, productId FROM ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_inventory WHERE useStockLevel = 1 AND stock_level <= ".$config['stock_warn_level']." AND disabled != 1 ORDER BY stock_level ASC"; 


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