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CC5 & iDevAfilliate 6

Guest doubletee

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Hello All,

I have recently purchased iDevAffiliate 6 and have from what I can tell set it up correctly to work with my cube cart version 5.

My main reason for purchasing iDevAffiliate was for the 'offline marketing' mode as my targeted affiliates a lot of them won't have websites etc.

From what I can tell, iDev is recording my clicks and visits correctly, I even made a few purchases after clicking an affiliate link, the commission shows up in the admin panel saying "pending commissions" but I get a "Processing Error" when clicking pending commissions.

After reading these forums as much as I could I have gathered that the order details are not getting passed back to iDev after the sale has been completed - unfortunately all the fixes on this site are for earlier versions of CC so the file structures seem to be different every time I try and fix it.

The two payment gateways I am using are paypal & print order.

I am hoping someone will be able to help me!

Please let me know if any other information is required.



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