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Many THANKS to all of you!

Guest Dennis Pray

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Guest Dennis Pray

I am not new to CubeCart... been working with it for the last 4 years but I have never been in the situation where I have to do the updates and changes to the code myself - usually I am dealing with the product descriptions or the orders. I started my own business, am using v3.0.20, recently purchased the license key and because of the information I've been able to glean from this forum I have:

Changed the footer

Developed and changed the topHeader

Developed and loaded the favicon

For me each of these tasks, although relatively simple (in hind-sight), proved to be daunting because I was afraid of screwing something up and because I'm not the least familiar with even the BASICS of PHP, HTML, CSS or ______________ fill in the blank!

Thank you for asking the right questions, first of all! More importantly I think, THANK YOU to everyone who responds to those questions in a concise and easy to understand manner - making it easier for me to work in the C-Panel and the root directory!

CubeCart is the perfect platform for me and this forum's members and participants are a resounding reason that proves to be true. THANKS! again.



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