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Credit Card Merchants

Guest jodyg

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Guest jodyg

This may be a little off track, not really a Cube Cart question. When I started my site PayPal seemed like a good idea. And it was, but now I feel I would like to be able to accept major credit cards without asking the customer to go through PayPal. Many of my international customers do not have access to PayPal and domestic customers don't always want to use it. I have received quotes from three Credit Card Merchant companies but before I decide on one and sign up with them I was hopeing to get a little feedback from those of you with experience with these. If you have enjoyed doing business with a particular company, I would love to know which one. Or if you have had any bad experiences I would love to hear about those as well (better not mention the company name). This is an area I really know NOTHING about. Thanks!

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i have used world pay before and found them to be a very good system alot of people trust them and the support is quite good as well.

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I'm not able to recommend a bank (not sure what country you are in) but when I was getting quotes for merchant services I let the banks know that I already had PayPal and that way I got a better rate than what I pay through PayPal. It worked with some banks, not all - some are only interested in providing discounts for high end users (which I am not, yet).

Be careful when choosing a provider - check out what their charges and policies are on chargebacks. I prefer Paypal's policy - there is more protection than the bank's. As far as the banks (in Australia) are concerned the cardholder is always right and the trader must prove that the customer is at fault. This can be very costly. Also taking cc's from overseas can be very risky.

Good Luck with your search,


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Guest jodyg

Thanks for the replys. I received quotes from 4 companies and finally decided on one. The charge for online sales verses "face to face" sales is much higher with all. Charges for internatinal sales is even more. Prices varied quite a bit, some with higher minimum fees and lower transactions fees and some with low minimum fees and higher transaction rates. I made my decision based on the "op out" rate. This is the penalty you pay to end the contract early. Most I talked to were around $500.00 but I found one who offered me this for $100.00. I figured that if I really hated it and things were not working out I can end it for $100.00. I have no idea if I chose well or not. Researched as best I could, they offer 24/7 support and gave me a complete listing of fees. :D Hope this goes well!

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