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Oscomerce is best


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The user of this forum don't be know the oscomerce...

Best recurses!

Paypal, banks, ships via credit card, post, etc...

A huge comunit for support...

GNU license..

No Copryght

And the better...

is tottaly free...



Aparentemente os usuários deste forum não sabem que existem opções mais baratas para se obter um site de comércio eletrônico.

O OsComerce possui todas as opções do CubeCart com a vantagem de estar regido sob a licensa GNU, isto é, totalmente gratuito..

Possui uma comunidade gigantesca, que pode lhe dar suporte sem lhe cobrar um centavo por isso...



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You really do have to admire how much free time some people must have though :) I wish i had enough to go around spamming other boards with my os-crappy-commerce drivel :P

CC-Forever! :D

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Guest vrakas

Each person is entitled to his/her opinion :) but for some strange reason i have the impression that Emerson has NOT even tryed CC as he/she has only one single post that just says what? ....... that "i really dont know anything about CC". :P

Οταν δεν ξέρεις καλύτερα, αυτά θα λες ;)

Q: Why dont the admins just deletwe this post, its not worth it :D

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Guest gpgarrettboast

I've been using CubeCart for a very short time, and I have been very pleased with it's intuitive admin and customer interface. The Admin CP is much like that of IPB, which brings a nice familiarity. It accepts paypal, which I am very happy about. It uses CSS for templates which allows ease of modification. I think its great, and think that you should consider actually installing CC before bashing it, cause I'm in love :)


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As i have been in web design for a few years now i have tried most e commerce carts and have to say some of them are very good however os is not one of them for something as trivial as adding a link u need to alter like 30 pages to get it to display right. I used to use zen cart for a while to i stumbled on cubecart and fell in love also its great!!!!

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Guest Earth Bizz

Razor sharp comeback and counter argument from "liquidsoap" there. Can't argue with that! .. Guess I'll just have to switch to OS Comerce now.

Seriously .. what I like about Cube Cart is that you can easily "get under the hood" to change things .. whereas with OS Comerce .. I couldn't even find the latch to get the "hood" open.


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Guest twisted

People are entitled to their, however ill thought out or expressed, opinions.

But what it all boils down to, is go what you're happy with, or in the case of we dedicated cubecartizens, whatever you've fallen in love with.

If you have the knowledge, time, energy, motivation and perserverance to go with oscommerce, then more power to you.

If you ever have a problem with your oscommerce powered website, then I wish you two things...

1. the determination to fix it and

2. the perserverance to hang around waiting for an answer that may not ever come from aforementioned huge support community.

Oh, and thank you SO much for dropping by. We tolerate the ill-informed just as much as we welcome the enlightened.


P.S. most of the user of the forum DO be know the oscommerce................thats WHY we be use the Cubecart.


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Guest tinydancer

Have to say ..... tried oscommerce because i had major problems getting CubeCart to work. Oscommerce is certainly more straight forward to install, but its advantage ends there! I have to disagree that CC 'works out of the box', it don't!! and after over a week of trying and persevering I still can't get into the admin panel. As a new user, i'd have to say, at this stage at least, CC is probably the best of a bad bunch.

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Guest mydiscountstation

I tested os commerce at the same time I was testing cube cart.

I tested both side by side.

cube cart is easy to operate. oscommerce is harder to operate.

the deciding factor was when I uploaded some product pictures..........oscommerce made the pictures look all funky and did not shrink them right.

cube cart uploaded the pictures just fine and made the thumbs in proportion to the real picture.

I do not need customers asking me why I am selling disfigured products.

So go and take your @ss back to oscommerce. I have tested it. if you really think it is the best......1. you are a liar 2. your on their payroll 3. if it was the best you would not need to come here and post because cube cart would pose no threat to oscommerce. (but you did come here.....cube cart must pose a real threat to oscommerce....and rightfully so)

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Guest twisted

I have to disagree that CC 'works out of the box', it don't!!

Well.........speaking as someone who has installed over 200 "out-of-the-box" cubecarts....I would have to say it do!

Only ONCE have I ever had a problem getting cube to work out of the box........and that was my fault.

If it don't work out of the box then one of the following applies:

1. user input error during install

2. files not uploaded correctly or a missed file

3. permissions not set correctly

or, rarely

4. your hosting server is not set up in a manner compatible with the cubecart server requirements.

#1. is, in my experience, the most common cause.


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Guest troubled1

I have found that CubeCart works out of the box about 90% of the time. When it doesn't it is generally because of server configuration problems. CentOS servers seem to have a strong dislike for CubeCart.

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Guest twisted

Oh......and by the way Emerson...

No Copryght


If you read the licensing terms carefully, you will find that you are, in fact, required to kepp the oscommerce copyright notice in the footer, unless you SUBSTANTIALLY alter the way oscommerce looks so as to to be totally distinguished from a default oscommerce.

One more closign comment from me on this ............. topic.

is tottaly free...

An old adage springs to mind.......



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