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Posts posted by stevemills

  1. Can you post the details of your global.inc.php, you can remove the user account details.

    Actually, the images look fine to me.

    It's not the image link, it's the textual link below each one.

    I assume you mean the global.inc.php in the Includes directory?


    $glob['adminFile'] = 'admin.php';

    $glob['adminFolder'] = 'admin';

    $glob['dbdatabase'] = '<redacted>;

    $glob['dbhost'] = 'localhost';

    $glob['dbpassword'] = '<redacted>';

    $glob['dbprefix'] = '';

    $glob['dbusername'] = '<redacted>';

    $glob['encoder'] = 'ioncube';

    $glob['installed'] = '1';

    $glob['license_key'] = '<redacted>';

    $glob['rootDir'] = '/home/<redacted>/public_html/cubecart';

    $glob['rootRel'] = '/cubecart/';

    $glob['storeURL'] = 'http://www.pencilartist.com/cubecart';


  2. Under each image on the front page of my store, I have this link: http://prod_.html/?{VAL_PRODUCT_ID, though the images correctly link to their item pages.

    I must have caused this myself with some edit attempt in the skin (6IXGreen), but had not noticed it until today. It may have happened a week or so ago when I was trying to add Google Adsense (but gave up).

    Which file am I looking for to fix this?

    My store is here: http://www.pencilartist.com/cubecart/index.php (artistic nudity is involved.... don't look if you are offended by this).

  3. Well, now I see how this happened. While in the Edit Order page, I did a quick scroll on the customer list pulldown. Any name you move your cursor over populates the Billing Information fields with data pertinent to that person (can be anyone). I must have pulled the cursor off while it was over the wrong name, because that is ALL it takes to completely alter that information.

    Should take a little more deliberate action, I would think, but that's how it happened.

  4. I just updated a recent order to Completed and Dispatched. The correct information was all on the screen, right name, right address, same name in the pulldown menu (though I had glanced at it to check customer number, it was still on his name and not highlighted).... but the email sent both of us gives him a different name. Instead of the proper name for the person who is customer #8, it gives the name of customer #25. Everything else in the email is correct.

    What is up with that?

    Wait... now that I look again at this order, it has the incorrect customer's details in the left side, but the correct person on the right side. How did this happen?

    The email notice puts the incorrect name under Invoice Address, but has the correct name under Deliver Address. There is nothing more in the email regarding the wrong customer than his name.

  5. I've wound my way through this matter for about a week now, dealing with why some of my shoppers reported they couldn't find anything in their shopping basket on subsequent visits. I passed it off as problems on their end, assuming that CubeCart surely wouldn't be at fault, but I upgraded to 4.3.0 just in case there was something missing in 4.1.1, thinking surely it would fix itself this way.

    But it's true.... Devellion has designed CubeCart to kill the ccUser cookie on log out or closing of the browse window. There is no option. This great ecommerce package deliberately dumps the choices people think they have "saved", only to let them learn later their time was completely wasted. The basket is empty. Seems unthinkable to me, especially when my personal experience on so many websites is contrary to this. I mistakenly assumed all store packages considered this a necessary feature. Not here, apparently.

    But why not? Seriously.... is this a bad idea, to allow shoppers to actually shop before they buy? I think the odds are high that this design feature is costing us all a lot of frustrated no-sales. My store has nearly 600 photographs to select from, and you don't make selections from that sort of array quickly.

    I think Devellion needs to reconsider this, making it something optional for store owners. Give us a time control for the life of the ccUser cookie. Dump personal info, perhaps, on logout but NOT basket contents.


  6. I just upgraded my store to 4.3.0, and my shopping cart STILL cannot hold items. I made the edits as outlined by Estelle, deleted old cookies.... no change.

    However.... when I use IE8 at my store, the shopping cart sticks. My problem must then be with FF3 and how it stores cookies. Is that it?

    My problem with the cart was not related to this bug. It was about how CubeCart is designed to kill cookies (thus emptying shopping baskets) on logout. This is a different issue, and is being addressed by CubeCart in 4.3.1, as I am told.

  7. Renate, I believe I have been able to fix this problem at my store. I have had no further reports of this problem at my store (even from customers who experience the problem at other CubeCart stores).

    FIRST FIX. If you are not already running the latest version of CubeCart 4, download the latest version and get the classes/session/cc_session.php file from it. Upload this new cc_session.php file. ** Test your store thoroughly to see if the problem remains **

    SECOND FIX. IF the problem remains, make the following changes to your classes/session/cc_session.php file. This should fix the problem. ** After making the changes below, you should again thoroughly test your store to see if the problem has been resolved. **

    FIND this:

    REPLACE with this:
    		/* Fix session bug - clear cookies properly */
    		/* setcookie(CC_SESSION_NAME); */
    		setcookie(CC_SESSION_NAME, '', time()-3600, $GLOBALS['rootRel']);
    FIND this:
    			$expires = ($length>0) ? (time()+$length) : 0;
    			setcookie($name, $value, $expires, $GLOBALS['rootRel']);
    REPLACE with this:
    			$expires = ($length>0) ? (time()+$length) : 0;
    			/* Fix session bug - delete cookies first to get rid of any junk cookies created by session bug */
    			setcookie($name, '', time()-3600);
    			setcookie($name, $value, $expires, $GLOBALS['rootRel']);
    THIRD AND FINAL FIX.  IF the problem remains, (e.g. if the problem continues to occur during your testing, or if the problem goes away for you but you later receive reports from customers at your store that they are experiencing the same problem), then apply the following change also.
    		$client_ip = get_ip_address();
    		if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],'AOL') == false && !empty($result[0]['ip']) && ($result[0]['ip'] !== $client_ip || $result[0]['browser'] !== $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
    REPLACE with this:
    		/* Fix session bug - remove this block...
    		$client_ip = get_ip_address();
    		if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],'AOL') == false && !empty($result[0]['ip']) && ($result[0]['ip'] !== $client_ip || $result[0]['browser'] !== $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {

    EDIT 19th June 08: Corrected mistake in first change shown above.

    My store is 4.1.1. From the beginning (last Sept, I believe) no one using AOL has been able to store choices in their shopping cart while logged off. I've had some two dozen or more successful orders from other IP's. So tonight when an AOL shopper told me about this problem, I came here for a solution. I've implemented these edits, but it has changed nothing. Well, that's not true. Now even I cannot keep anything in my shopping cart, and I'm on Charter. I know for a fact it used to work for me. I've tried deleting cookies, too. No change.

    This is a serious issue, begging for a fix.

    FIRST FIX. If you are not already running the latest version of CubeCart 4, download the latest version and get the classes/session/cc_session.php file from it. Upload this new cc_session.php file.

    This is probably a very good idea, but implementing it on a 4.1.1 store doesn't work. There are errors when logging in.

    Error Message:

    1054: Unknown column 'salt' in 'field list'


    SELECT `customer_id`, `salt` FROM CubeCart_customer WHERE `type`>0 AND `email`='my_email_address

    What is that about?

  8. My host (Lunarpages) has finally installed PHP 5. I want to upgrade my store from 4.1.1 to 4.3 now, but I have a couple of questions.

    Is 5 good enough, or do I need 5.1?

    My store has quite a bit of customization (skin, other CSS, and more). Can I upgrade only the files necessary, without affecting these things?

    Do I even need to do this?

    This warning is added to my CP, before I even turn it on.

    Warning: If you have any custom .htaccess content, it will no longer work and you will have to re-add the content. The content will be backed up to a timestamped .htaccess file if you required any content from it.

    If you use FrontPage extensions, they will cease to function as they add content to your .htaccess file which will be renamed.

    I don't edit my store with Front Page, nor do I use the extensions.

    You may view my store here: www.pencilartist.com/cubecart/index.php, but be aware is is NOT a work friendly site. There is artistic nudity.

  9. The file in question would be /cubecart/admin/sources/stats/online.inc.php


    $timeLimit = time() - 86400;

    $query = "SELECT * FROM ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_sessions LEFT JOIN ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_customer ON ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_sessions.customer_id = ".$glob['dbprefix']."CubeCart_customer.customer_id WHERE timeLast>".$timeLimit." ORDER BY timeLast DESC";

    // query database

    $results = $db->select($query, $rowsPerPage, $page);

    $numrows = $db->numrows($query);


    <p class='pageTitle'><?php echo $lang['admin']['stats_cust_online'];?></p>

    <p class="copyText"><?php echo $lang['admin']['stats_cust_active'];?></p>

    <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" class="mainTable">


    <td nowrap="nowrap" class="tdTitle"><?php echo $lang['admin']['stats_hash'];?></td>

    <td nowrap="nowrap" class="tdTitle"><?php echo $lang['admin']['stats_customer'];?></td>

    <td nowrap="nowrap" class="tdTitle"><?php echo $lang['admin']['stats_location'];?></td>

    <td nowrap="nowrap" class="tdTitle"><?php echo $lang['admin']['stats_sess_start_time'];?></td>

    <td nowrap="nowrap" class="tdTitle"><?php echo $lang['admin']['stats_last_click_time'];?></td>

    <td nowrap="nowrap" class="tdTitle"><?php echo $lang['admin']['stats_last_ip_address'];?></td>

    <td nowrap="nowrap" class="tdTitle"><?php echo $lang['admin']['stats_sess_length'];?></td>





    for ($i=0; $i<count($results); $i++)


    $rank = ($page * $rowsPerPage) + ($i + 1);

    $cellColor = cellColor($i);



    <td class="<?php echo $cellColor; ?>" width="15"><span class="copyText"><?php echo $rank; ?>.</span></td>

    <td class="<?php echo $cellColor; ?>" width="100" nowrap='nowrap'>

    <span class="copyText">

    <?php if($results[$i]['customer_id']==0){

    echo $lang['admin']['stats_geust'];

    } else {

    echo $results[$i]['title']." ".$results[$i]['firstName']." ".$results[$i]['lastName'];

    } ?>


    <td class="<?php echo $cellColor; ?>" width="100" nowrap='nowrap'><a href="<?php echo $results[$i]['location']; ?>" class="txtLink"><?php echo $results[$i]['location']; ?></a></td>

    <td class="<?php echo $cellColor; ?>" nowrap='nowrap'><span class="copyText"><?php echo formatTime($results[$i]['timeStart']); ?></span></td>

    <td class="<?php echo $cellColor; ?>" nowrap='nowrap'><span class="copyText"><?php echo formatTime($results[$i]['timeLast']); ?></span></td>

    <td class="<?php echo $cellColor; ?>" nowrap='nowrap'><a href="java script:;" class="txtLink" onclick="openPopUp('<?php echo $glob['adminFile']; ?>?_g=misc/lookupip&amp;ip=<?php echo $results[$i]['ip']; ?>','misc',300,120,'yes,resizable=yes')"><?php echo $results[$i]['ip']; ?></a></td>

    <td class="<?php echo $cellColor; ?>" nowrap='nowrap'><span class="copyText"><?php echo sprintf("%.2f",($results[$i]['timeLast']-$results[$i]['timeStart'])/60); ?> <?php echo $lang['admin']['stats_mins'];?></span></td>


    <?php } } else { ?>


    <td colspan="3"><span class="copyText"><?php echo $lang['admin']['stats_sorry_no_data'];?></span></td>


    <?php } ?>


    As you can tell, I have edited my time limit to span 24 hours of visits.

    Can't this php script be given a command to ignore any visits of less than one second?

  10. My customers online page is tweaked to show me the last 24 hours, not just 15 minutes. Doing this provides a better picture of what's really going on, but the pages are filled with useless bot visits, all lasting less than one second (0.00 duration).

    Is there any way to either eliminate showing these hits, or to aggregate them as to how many are Google bots and how many Yahoo crawl? It takes a lot of scrolling to actually see what you are looking for, which is human activity.

  11. Edit Language File is a complete failure in my store. No matter which item I select for editing, I get error messages like this:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: substr_compare() in /home/mysite/public_html/cubecart/admin/sources/filemanager/language.inc.php on line 148
  12. Is there any way to get this function to at least alphabetize a complete list of images? I have 32 individually alphabetized pages to sort through, just trying to add extra images.

    Would be so much better if this were controllable while adding items to the store.

  13. A second shopper captured the error message for me.

    Warning: main(includes/content/confirmed.inc.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/mysite/public_html/cubecart/includes/global/cart.inc.php on line 74

    Fatal error: main() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'includes/content/confirmed.inc.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/mysite/public_html/cubecart/includes/global/cart.inc.php on line 74

    I have no "confirmed.php" file, so that's the problem. Why don't I?

    I can find such a file under /languages/includes/content/, so should I just amend the call, or move the file?

    I set my return URL at PayPal from the text found in the knowledge base on this site, so that's my problem. I took it literally as this:


  14. What in the world is this about? I've had 99 guests in the past 15 minutes (that must be the limit CC will report, so who knows how many hits....), ALL with the IP address of my host server, and all visits lasted for less than 1 second.

    How can I turn off this useless information so I can see my actual customers activity?

  15. I just came here to bring up the same error message. I can edit through my ftp client, but this tool would be so much easier.

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: substr_compare() in /home/mysite/public_html/cubecart/admin/sources/filemanager/language.inc.php on line 148
  16. CubeCart v4.1.1.

    Creating a new account, I noticed this problem. As soon as I clicked to complete registration, I got a 404 error, mentioning a /cubecart/cubecart/index.php file (which is impossible, obviously). I searched these forums, but haven't found exactly that problem, though I did notice a reference to other SEO related problems. Sure enough, I can duplicate this login failure by turning SEO friendly URL's on and off.

    Has anyone else seen this? Is there another thread I couldn't find? This search engine doesn't like 3-letter words.

  17. I have just taken a look at the SSL Switch script (includes/sslSwitch.inc.php) and it has the following line (around line 36):

    http://uk.php.net/parse_url I would change this line to:

    $url_elements 	= parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
    The PHP function parse_url only works when using URLs (e.g.http://something/script.php) not URIs (e.g./script.php)  See 
    $url_elements 	= parse_url($config['storeURL_SSL'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);

    Same problem here. I was instructed to install the sslSwitch file from 4.2.2 into my 4.1.1 store to resolve another issue, so for anyone who is looking at that newer file, it's line 52.

    My login is still failing, but at least the error is gone.

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