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  1. Thank you bsmither, that was added following recommendations from Google's pagespeed insights testing...maybe not such a great thing after all!
  2. Hi guys, I have just been browsing my store and am noticing some strange behaviour. When i click on my basket from the homepage i see nothing but the url shows https://www.matchattaxoutlet.co.uk/# However if i click on register i can then see the basket. I have also, once logged in as a user not been able to access my basket or account options. Also if i click on a product page and see a url which is ok, when i click on the basket icon in top right, it stays on the page but just adds # to the end of the url. UPDATE: Seems to be in Chrome where this is happening, IE up to now looks OK I am sure there may be other problems and would be grateful if anyone could have a real good look around and provide some feedback / solutions TIA
  3. Hi all, I am just looking into reasons why my store sales are not as expected fo the time of year and decided to view my site www.matchattaxoutlet.co.uk in different browsers from a search for Match Attax Outlet, results are as follows; Chrome: Everything looks ok and seems to work fine Firefox: Layout issues IE8: No page displayed Can anyone help, i fear i may be losing sales because of this. TIA
  4. Hi Dirty Butter, Many thanks for pointing me in the right direction, i can't believe i haven't used Firefox developer tool before now. In answer to the question about centering the header, i wanted to just centre the title so i looks ok with the rest of the text. I had it like that on the old Kurouto skin but can't remember how it was done. Eventually i want to get rid of the side boxes and have just category menus down the left hand side with text to the right of them.
  5. Hi everyone, I am looking for some assistance with modifying my skin. Please take a look at my store at Match Attax Outlet and see if you can offer any advice on doing the following; 1. Setting the side box background transparency so that the background is visible through them. 2. Changing the font colour underneath the category icons and things like the "advanced search". 3. Reducing size of the search box. 4. Centering the "Welcome to Match Attax Outlet" header on homepage...this is the document title. 5. Change colour of box containing categories and also font colour of said box. I know this is a lot to ask but i am new to v6 and am looking to get things right first time. Thanks in advance.
  6. Thanks bsmither, this worked for me 49704-how-to-make-category-grid-view-as-default/ As usual you came up trumps.
  7. Hey thanks, bsmither, i didn't notice the switch. That is even better than i wanted as it has 3 columns...if we could sort the skin so it defaults to the grid view that would be fantastic
  8. Thanks bsmither, can you tell me how i would do this in Foundation skin, i did have the change in Kurouto skin but want to change skin.
  9. Hi, I would like to remove the large category images from my store, is this possible in v6.0.6? I used to have this in v5. Also is it possible to reduce the size of the search box in the header, it's way too large! Thanks in advance
  10. I am wondering if there is any way to increase the number of product columns within a category. I sell football cards and i have the default display set to 20 items per page but i would prefer to display 2 columns of 10 items to save lots of unnecessary scrolling down my pages. Any way of doing this? Even better if it can be done using a code snippet (any help gratefully received).
  11. Hi there, I have many items in my store with the same name, i sell football cards, and would like to be able to distinguish in the stock warnings list which card is which by using the product code, and sorting by ascending product code, alongside the item name...e.g. Steven Gerrard (MA10123) as opposed to currently see Steven Gerrard. Can anyone help with this? I am sure it is just a case of editing a couple of files. Thanks in advance
  12. Hi Ian, Thanks for the quick reply. I knew that the setting was working correctly and just wondered if there was a way around it. We set it like that as we had problems in the early days with stock issues. I'll reset it to use the processing option. Thanks for all your efforts over the last few days by the way, it's much appreciated. Everything seems to be working fine...and much faster. Are things looking ok at the server end? Anything we should be aware of?
  13. Hi Guys, Just had a customer on email asking me to restore stock levels on some products as he cannot order them after cancelling payment process to check his basket. Customer started payment process and wanted to check his basket so clicked "cancel and return to store", after checking basket he then tried to pay again but was advised that stock quantities have changed (some items out of stock) and could not proceed to order payment. Order shows as pending in admin and as we have stock control set to adjust at pending stage, the stock does not return to main store. Hope this is clear enough! Can you help? Gary
  14. Sounds like great idea Al, i'll take a look. Thanks Thanks Ian, i am not big fan of Paypal myself but have never got around to changing. May i ask who you would recommend?
  15. Hi Guys, thanks for the prompt responses. I am running 5.2.4 at the moment, just finding the time to upgrade is difficult as i do it all manually due to so many code changes. Usually use the file diffs from B Smithers but haven't found them for more recent versions yet. Reluctant also to change much right now as i am approaching a really busy period in my sales. The Paypal thing is interesting, i checked my IPN records and an Invoice i created manually via Paypal has just been paid and the notification is being sent to Cubecart and in Paypal it says retrying. Coincidentally, at around the same time this happened in July i had also received payment for an invoice created within Paypal. Maybe another avenue to follow!!!
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