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Posts posted by leeofaccy

  1. Try this for your news.inc.php

    if (! defined('CC_INI_SET'))
            die("Access Denied");
    ## query database
    $cache = new cache('boxes.news');
    $results = $cache->readCache();
    if (! $cache->cacheStatus)
            $results = $db->select("SELECT nyhet, datum FROM " . $glob['dbprefix'] . "CubeCart_news ORDER BY datum ASC");
    $box_content = new XTemplate('boxes' . CC_DS . 'news.tpl');
    ## Build attributes
    if ($results)
            foreach ($results as $result)
                    $result['nyhet'] = validHTML($result['nyhet']);
                    $box_content->assign('NYHET', $result);
    $box_content = $box_content->text('news');
    And this on your news.tpl file
    <!-- BEGIN: news -->
    <!-- BEGIN: li -->
    <!-- END: li -->
    <!-- END: news -->


  2. Hi Josh

    On your viewProd.tpl find this line, near the top

    <strong>{LANG_DIR_LOC}</strong> <a href="index.php"><img src="skins/{VAL_SKIN}/styleImages/icons/home.gif" alt="{LANG_HOME}" border="0" title="{LANG_HOME}" /></a> {CURRENT_DIR}
    Wrap a div around it with an inline style. For example
    <div style="float:left;font-size:14px;margin-bottom:15px"><strong>{LANG_DIR_LOC}</strong> <a href="index.php"><img src="skins/{VAL_SKIN}/styleImages/icons/home.gif" alt="{LANG_HOME}" border="0" title="{LANG_HOME}" /></a> {CURRENT_DIR}</div>

    Hope that helps


  3. As Brian mentions, the max length of the string is set to 30 chars in the database. Anything after the 30th character is dropped. You can try an ALTER statement to change the length.

    Backup your database first! (Maintenance > Backup in admin menu)

    Under the Maintenance tab in your admin menu, click the Database link. Just above the table you will see a line that looks *something* like this...

    MySQL 5.1.56-community-log running on localhost as YOUR_DB_NAME@localhost »

    Click the >> at the end of that line, then in the box that next appears paste in the following. You can change the number (from 40), to the value of your longest option attribute if need be.

    ALTER TABLE `CubeCart_options_mid` CHANGE `value_name` `value_name` VARCHAR(40) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT \'\'

    Click 'Execute SQL Queries'

    Your existing attributes will still only be 30 chars long max because of the 'dropped' characters. You will have to go back into Product Options and add the rest......only hope you don't have many :)

    Hope that helps


  4. Open includes/content.gateway.inc.php and see if this block on your file, matches the following...

    				if($gatewayModules[$i]['default'] == 1){
    					$gateway->assign('VAL_CHECKED', 'checked="checked"');
    				} else {
    					$gateway->assign('VAL_CHECKED', '');

  5. I made a test order (which you can delete now), so I can see what is happening.

    Open skins/YOUR_SKIN/styleTemplates/content/gateway.tpl and find this block of code

    			<!-- BEGIN: gateways_true -->
    				<td class="{TD_CART_CLASS}"><strong>{VAL_GATEWAY_DESC}</strong></td>
    				<td width="50" align="right" class="{TD_CART_CLASS}">
    				<input name="gateway" type="radio" value="{VAL_GATEWAY_FOLDER}" {VAL_CHECKED} />
    			<!-- END: gateways_true -->

    If {VAL_CHECKED} is missing, enter it, as above. If it is present in the code block, let me know and I will give you another block of code to check.


  6. Hi

    First, in General Settings, under the styles & Misc tab, set Display newest products first to No.

    Next, open includes/content/viewCat.inc.php and find this block of code (around line 95)...

    	$orderSort = sprintf(' ORDER BY %s %s', $_GET['sort_by'], $orderType);
    } else {
    	if ($config['cat_newest_first']) {
    		$orderSort = sprintf(' ORDER BY `date_added` DESC, `name` ASC');
    	} else {
    		$orderSort = false;
    Change it to....
    	$orderSort = sprintf(' ORDER BY %s %s', $_GET['sort_by'], $orderType);
    } else {
    	if ($config['cat_newest_first']) {
    		$orderSort = sprintf(' ORDER BY `date_added` DESC, `name` ASC');
    	}  else {
    		$orderSort = sprintf(' ORDER BY `name` ASC');


  7. Open skins / your_skin / styleTemplates / global and open both cart.tpl and index.tpl. Find this....

    <div id="topHeader">
    Paste the link after, like so....
    <div id="topHeader"><a href="index.php" class="topHeaderImg"></a>
    Add this style your layout.css stylesheet...
    .topHeaderImg {
        float: left;
        height: 95px;
        margin: -60px 0 0 10px;
        width: 325px;


  8. It is because your images are different heights. You need to wrap the image in a div and set a height for it. Take the height of your largest thumb and use that (about 75px). On the shorter images, there will obviously be a larger gap between the bottom of it, and the text below.

    Open skins/YOUR_SKIN_NAME/styleTemplates/content/viewCat.tpl and find this code

    	<!-- BEGIN: sub_cats_loop -->
    	<div class="subCat">
    		<a href="index.php?_a=viewCat&amp;catId={TXT_LINK_CATID}" class="txtDefault"><img src="{IMG_CATEGORY}" alt="{TXT_CATEGORY}" border="0" title="{TXT_CATEGORY}" /></a><br />
    		<a href="index.php?_a=viewCat&amp;catId={TXT_LINK_CATID}" class="txtDefault">{TXT_CATEGORY}</a>
    	<!-- END: sub_cats_loop -->
    Wrap a div around the image link. You can also remove the <br /> tag, like so.
    	<!-- BEGIN: sub_cats_loop -->
    	<div class="subCat">
    		<div style="height:75px"><a href="index.php?_a=viewCat&amp;catId={TXT_LINK_CATID}" class="txtDefault"><img src="{IMG_CATEGORY}" alt="{TXT_CATEGORY}" border="0" title="{TXT_CATEGORY}" /></a></div>
    		<a href="index.php?_a=viewCat&amp;catId={TXT_LINK_CATID}" class="txtDefault">{TXT_CATEGORY}</a>
    	<!-- END: sub_cats_loop -->

    Hope that helps


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