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Posts posted by leeofaccy

  1. Hi Sam

    The reason it is not showing all email address' from all customers, is because some won't have joined the mailing list. Only the ones that have, will show in the list. If you would like to change it, try this....

    Open up /admin/sources/customers/email.inc.php and find this line

    $query = 'SELECT title, email, firstName, lastName, type FROM '.$glob['dbprefix'].'CubeCart_customer WHERE optIn1st = 1';
    Change it to
    $query = 'SELECT title, email, firstName, lastName, type FROM '.$glob['dbprefix'].'CubeCart_customer';

    That will give you a full list of customers' first & last names and email address regardless of whether thay have subscribed to mailing list.

    Hope that helps


  2. Hi Jeannie

    The reason the logo is showing twice is because you have got 2 <div id="topHeader"> in your code. You need to remove the second one (Inside pageSurround), but the closing div (</div>), for it is after the closing table tag (</table>).

    If your logo was still to the left, a float:left style added to the topHeaderImg class style would have worked to make the logo clickable. Beacuse your logo is now centred, you would need to create a div that 'floats' with the logo, if the page is made smaller. i.e putting a margin-left would always keep the 'clickable' bit xx amount of pixels away from the left, where as the logo would always be in the centre.


  3. Hi Holly

    Thanks for that, it is easier to see what needs doing :)

    I take it you mean the white background surrounding the centred div? If so, you will need to edit the body style on your layout.css and add a background-image style to it, something like background-image: url (images/general/your_image.jpg). You will need to upload the image to a folder on your server, /images/general should be ok. Depnding on the image you use, will depend on how the style will need to be, ie. will it repeat or is it one big image etc. Also, you may need to alter your #pageSurround style, on the same stylesheet, to keep the background white, or the image will be visible through it. A background-color: #FFFFFF style would need to be added.

    Hope that helps


  4. Hi

    The simplest way to change your logo is to click the Logo tab in the Admin menu. You may need to move the page to the right, but there should be a 'Browse' button next to the end of all the skins. Click Browse and locate the logo image on your pc then click 'Upload Image(s)'. You shouldn't need to delete or rename images anywhere. The logo you uploaded should now show on your store, unless something else has been changed somewhere.


  5. Hi

    Open /admin/sources/orders/print.inc.php

    Find this.....

    <img src="<?php echo $glob['rootRel']; ?>images/getLogo.php?skin=<?php echo $config['skinDir']; ?>" alt="" />
    Add a width attribute, like so (Change the value to suit your invoice, used only for this example)
    <img src="<?php echo $glob['rootRel']; ?>images/getLogo.php?skin=<?php echo $config['skinDir']; ?>" alt="" width="200px" />

    Hope that helps


  6. Open /includes/content/cart.inc.php and find this

    // calculate shipping when we have reached step2

    if ($_GET['_a'] == 'step2' && $orderTangible) {

    You need to comment out some code and add a '(' before $orderTangible, like so

    // calculate shipping when we have reached step2

    if /*($_GET['_a'] == 'step2' && */($orderTangible) {


  7. Hi Ash

    You see n/a next to shipping if you are not logged in. Cubecart need to know where the item is going before it can give you the shipping details i.e The postage for shipping abroad will be higher than shipping locally. If you only ship locally or just use a flat rate for postage to anywhere, there is a small hack that will show the postage price without being logged in.


  8. Hi Ali

    Yes, I see what you mean. Find these styles on your style.css and delete them: .txtPrice, .txtOldPrice & .txtSale Replace with these. (You could of course just find them and edit them to match the ones below)

    .txtPrice { 
            font-size: medium; 
    .txtOldPrice {
    	text-decoration: line-through;
            font-size: 12px;
    .txtSale {
     	color: #FF0000;
            font-size: medium;
    It will slightly affect the text of your latest products on the homepage, although you are planning to change that, unless you add the .txtPrice span style to your latest products too, found on skins/classic/styleTemplates/content/index.tpl, like so (Around line 19)
    <span class="txtPrice">{TXT_PRICE} </span><span class="txtSale">{TXT_SALE_PRICE}</span>


  9. Hi

    You could just change it through the Languages section, in the Admin menu.

    Languages>en>Global Common Phrases>misc_1stClass and also misc_2ndClass

    Change the bottom value (The top one is the default if you need to revert back), then click Modify Language File at the bottom


  10. Hi Ali

    Open skins/classic/styleTemplates/content/viewProd.tpl and find this (around line 52)

    		<strong>{LANG_PRICE}</strong> {TXT_PRICE_VIEW} 
    		<span class="txtSale">{TXT_SALE_PRICE_VIEW}</span>
    Change it to....
    		<strong>{LANG_PRICE} </strong><span class="txtPrice"> {TXT_PRICE_VIEW} </span>
    		<span class="txtSale">{TXT_SALE_PRICE_VIEW}</span>
    Open your style.css and create a new style, like this
    .txtPrice {
    font-size: medium;
    color: #CC0000;

    That will give you red text larger than it is now but you may want to edit the style to suit your website

    Hope that helps


  11. Hi

    Yes, no problem.....Try this. Add the 'a class' after the topHeader id, like so

    <div id="topHeader">
    <a class="topHeaderImg" href="index.php"></a>
    Add the following style to your layout.css
    .topHeaderImg {
            float: left;
            margin-top: -68px;
            width: 300px;
            height: 110px;
            outline: none;

    You may need to adjust the height and/or width on the style to fit your logo if it is bigger/smaller than the default.


  12. Hi Corrine

    The reason shipping prices do not show is because the user isn't logged in and cucbecart can't work out the shipping cost until it knows where the delivery address is. You can change the text that appears, instead of 'n/a' through the Languages section in your Admin Panel, to something like, 'Calculated at next step'. Which shipping module(s) do you use? Do you just ship to one country, or international as well?


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