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Posts posted by leeofaccy

  1. Do you mean you want to replace the default image with one of your own, for the categories?

    If you do, you can do this by going to View Categories in Admin Panel. Click Edit then Browse/Upload Image and select your own image.

    To remove the numbers, in brackets, of products available in a category you need to edit YOUR_SKIN/styleTemplates/content/viewCat.tpl. Find this...

    <!-- BEGIN: sub_cats_loop -->
    <div class="subCat"><a href="index.php?_a=viewCat&amp;catId={TXT_LINK_CATID}" title="{TXT_CATEGORY}"><img src="{IMG_CATEGORY}" alt="{TXT_CATEGORY}" border="0" /></a><br />
    <a href="index.php?_a=viewCat&amp;catId={TXT_LINK_CATID}" title="{TXT_CATEGORY}">{TXT_CATEGORY}</a> ({NO_PRODUCTS})</div>
    <!-- END: sub_cats_loop -->
    Remove ({NO_PRODUCTS}) next to the last closing div. It should look like this...
    <!-- BEGIN: sub_cats_loop -->
    <div class="subCat"><a href="index.php?_a=viewCat&amp;catId={TXT_LINK_CATID}" title="{TXT_CATEGORY}"><img src="{IMG_CATEGORY}" alt="{TXT_CATEGORY}" border="0" /></a><br />
    <a href="index.php?_a=viewCat&amp;catId={TXT_LINK_CATID}" title="{TXT_CATEGORY}">{TXT_CATEGORY}</a></div>
    <!-- END: sub_cats_loop -->


  2. Have you set your price in GBP, for example, and your store currency set to Euros?

    To remove the tax, go to View Products>Edit in your Admin Panel and in the drop-down next to Tax Class, select Tax Exempt. Or if you are listing a new product just do the same with the drop-down.


  3. "Warning: preg_match() [function.preg-match]: Unknown modifier '/' in ...."

    I think it is an error in includes/content/reg.inc.php around line 185. Find this code

    if (preg_match('/^http(s?):\/\//i', $redir) && !preg_match('/^'.$glob['storeURL'].'|^'.$config['storeURL_SSL'].'/i', $redir)) {
    				die("Redirect URL not allowed!");
    Remove one of the / here.... http(s?):\/\//i', $redir). It should now look like this
    if (preg_match('/^http(s?):\/\/i', $redir) && !preg_match('/^'.$glob['storeURL'].'|^'.$config['storeURL_SSL'].'/i', $redir)) {
    				die("Redirect URL not allowed!");

    Hope that does it


  4. Try this, it could work...

    In your Admin panel go to Rebuild & Recount. 3rd tab down is Rebuild category product count. Click Update.

    If that does't work, it might be worth deleting that category, re-making it and putting the products back again, as you haven't got a lot of products in there it shouldn't take too long to do.


  5. Open admin/sources/products/index.inc.php. Find AROUND line 960, this code

    <td align="left"><input name="prod_metatitle" type="text" size="35" class="textbox" value="<?php if(isset($results[0]['prod_metatitle'])) echo htmlentities($results[0]['prod_metatitle'],"ENT_QUOTES","UTF-8"); ?>" /></td>
    Unquote "ENT_QUOTES". It should now look like this
    <td align="left"><input name="prod_metatitle" type="text" size="35" class="textbox" value="<?php if(isset($results[0]['prod_metatitle'])) echo htmlentities($results[0]['prod_metatitle'],ENT_QUOTES,"UTF-8"); ?>" /></td>

    Clear cache and try it, it should work.


  6. Hi

    Ive had a look with Firebug and it looks like you have an error in your code, in viewProd.tpl. You are missing {VAL_ROOT_REL} on a couple of lines.

    It should look like this

    <p class="right" id="rating_p"><span>{LANG_RATING}</span> 
    <img src="images/general/px.gif" name="star0" width="15" height="15" id="star0" onmouseover="stars(0,'{VAL_ROOT_REL}skins/{VAL_SKIN}/styleImages/icons/rating/');" style="cursor: pointer; cursor: hand;" alt="" />
    <!-- BEGIN: review_stars -->
    <img src="skins/{VAL_SKIN}/styleImages/icons/rating/{VAL_STAR}.gif" name="star{VAL_STAR_I}" width="15" height="15" id="star{VAL_STAR_I}" onmouseover="stars({VAL_STAR_I},'{VAL_ROOT_REL}skins/{VAL_SKIN}/styleImages/icons/rating/');" style="cursor: pointer; cursor: hand;" alt="" />	
    <!-- END: review_stars --></p>


  7. Yes I see what you mean. I have just put an item in my basket, clicked to checkout, then clicked continue shopping and added another item to my basket. When I click to checkout again I get 2 order numbers showing in admin. The order should show pending until payment is made, even if you keep adding to it. The first order does show cancelled and the second pending but surely if a customer keeps going back and adding items, there shouldn't be lots of cancelled orders showing in admin and the customer ending up with lots of order acknowledgements in their email.

  8. If you want add (Free shipping) after the $0.00, try and use the Free Shipping module. That also has a minimum order amount box. It is the subtotal you enter, so a quick calculation to minus the tax (If you sell taxable goods), off the amount you want to set free shipping at, needs to be done.

    As far as changing the USPS Priority etc, I'm not too sure about. It is probably on the calc.php in the module. As I don't have an account with USPS I cannot check it for you.


  9. Hi

    If it is the white background after clicking the 'Glass' link, where the subcategories are, you need to change the height on your .subCat style in your layout.css to 70px, or to whatever value you choose. Also, to stop the top of the white box overlapping where it says 'glass', put 10px of margin-top on the style .subCats. They are 2 different styles .subCat and .subCats.

    As for the text, I'm not too sure where you mean with the black on black...


  10. If you want to change the way the form looks, you need to edit /modules/gateway/Authorize_AIM/form.tpl. Be careful you don't remove anything needed by the module in order for it to process payment.

    If you are using the latest version of IE, have you tried the Compatibilty View button? This can alter the way the page is viewed a little.

  11. Apologies, you did say in your original post that it was the old sales data; my fault for not reading it correctly!!

    So, I take it you have the setting for Popular Products set to Number of Sales? But it is still showing the old data. Have you tried Rebuild number customer orders? If you go to google and put "Rebuild number customer orders" into the search box you will find a result that explains what things do in Rebuild & Recount. Maybe the sales for your 'old' items is still greater than the sales the your 'new' ones therefore still showing in the Pop Prods box. I usually set Pop Prods to show Number of Views so I am not sure why your old data is still showing, as I don't have that problem.

    Hope you get it sorted!


  12. Hi

    It looks like you have missed out a / when setting up your ssl.

    "Server not found can't find the server at perfumevaljc.comadmin.php."

    In your HTTPS Root Relative Path, what does it say? It should be /perfumevaljc.com/. It looks you have missed off the end slash.


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