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Posts posted by nutbags.co.uk

  1. thanks for the advice. As far as I am aware the only issue arising from the "hacking" is that when googling my webname instead of the description that I've written for my site within the admin pages,it gave an advert for these hair extensions. As requested by Heart I have downloaded all the public files. I found 2 suspicious entries.The first was a file called wigs and secondly in the index.php there was a link to that file in the header line. I have now deleted both of those entries and now as search for the webname comes up with the hair link gone and it now says about my site using cookies.Any idea how I can point it back to where it should be?

    I've been on holiday recently so haven't done much on the website such as new products etc. Any clues how they managed to get in?



  2. my website is www.nutbags.co.uk hosted on heart internet servers. about 10 days ago I had a series of emails sent using the 'contact us' link on my site simply giving a weblink for "brazilian hair extensions"!! I deleted/ ignored them. Yesterday a customer called to say he had googled my webname to get my contact details and the site listing came up ok but the description it gave of my site was again,brazilian hair extensions! I emailed heart' support team to see if they could help me get rid of it.They have said my site is compromised and have now disabled it.They now say I must remove all files then re upload a clean version of the whole site before they will let it go live again. I haven't backed up my files since the last web update several months ago.Can I save all my customer order info or will that be lost? I cannot remember which CC version I was on but assume it was the latest as I've always updated when requested

  3. it always worked before and I had several available for customers to use. They simply enter the coupon code into the coupon box on checkout and then update the basket and it would deduct the relevant amount. As I say I had several in use that always worked ok,now it just says £0.00 in red as the discount

  4. strangely I've just logged back into my admin section and its back to normal appearance again and my search boxes have reappeared too! I still cannot make coupons work though.I have created one that offers a 5% discount for those customers collecting orders rather than having a delivery. When I add the coupon and update my basket,the coupon shows up ,but with a zero value!

  5. I sometimes wonder why I bother upgrading my store as I always get problems! I was happily running along on v5.2.16 when I noticed that 6.0.2 was available to upgrade. I backed up my files then upgraded. At first it looked fine then I started getting calls from customers. They couldn't add products to their basket directly from the category index(if they opened up a product listing they could do it ok there).Another issue is that coupons that I had no longer worked. In one case that should have given the customer 5% off ,the actual discount came up as 0.00(always worked fine before) I looked on this forum to see if anyone else had reported this but I couldn't find any so I decided to re install my 5.2.16 version. The 'adding items to the basket' problem now works again but the coupons still don't. My admin pages are still in the new format that came with the upgrade and I now find that I cannot search my customer list. If I click on the tab nothing happens. This is really annoying as I need to be able to search customers for contact details etc. Also the Rebuild tab to clear the cache etc doesn't work. It takes me back to the back up page.Any ideas how to get this going again.

  6. Hi I'm using 5.2.12 on my website(www.nutbags.co.uk) I sell bird foods and have been trying to streamline my website after getting comments from some customers that there were too many products in some categories and they couldn't find things. For example I used to sell whole sacks of peanuts as one product and peanuts by the kilogram as another. Ideally I only wanted "peanuts" to be one product with the option to choose per kg or per sack via a drop down box. I set about changing this on my site but am now getting comments from customers saying they don't understand what they need to do or are getting confused at the pricing. Again using peanuts as the example,if a customers selects peanuts from that category it shows a "headline" price of £2(the price per one kg)They can then use the drop down box to select a whole 25kg sack but this shows a price of +£32(true cost of £34 shown ok in basket)

    Is there a way to change this so instead of a price differential,it shows the actual price? Also is it possible for the item price(£2 in the above example) say 'prices from'. I wouldn't want this to then affect all other product listings as many are a fixed price with no options. Also I don't want to have to re fix this(if there is a solution) after every store update

    It just seems far too confusing for my customers showing a price differential rather than actual price.


  7. further to this posting earlier,I now find that if a customer chooses to register an account using the "register" button next to the "log in" button, then the "subscribe to mailing list" option is checked,as per the mod we did above. However I still noticed that all new customers placing orders,and therefore registering by the checkout route were coming through as "not subscribed" to newsletters. I created a dummy account to test the system and found that by registering this way I wasn't asked if I wanted to receive newsletters. I don't mind if it stays that way but how can I now make it so that they are registered for newsletters? I use mailchimp to send out my newsletters every 10 weeks or so and there is plenty of opportunity for people to opt out then.

    thanks again for advice.

  8. I just changed my mail sending from SMTP to mail() in my admin pages then updated to 5.2.7 and now it seems fine.

    I've placed  a dummy order on the site, I received all the normal emails and all seems to be ok.I'll monitor orders that come through over the weekend but thanks once again for all the help.

  9. Hi Al payment mods used are paypal,print order form(i use as pay by bank transfer)plus I've added Robix pay on delivery(used for several years with no issues) 

    I use all in one shipping. no other plug ins used.

    When I tried placing an order myself,on checking out i didn't get any messages,simply a blank page(ignore the "page not displayed" bit earlier.That's what my customer told me so probably a red herring!)I used google chrome not IE11.

    My site is hosted by heart internet,I do have two cubecart packages hosted there that are in the same folder.The other website now directs to my nutbags.co.uk site  so effectively only one site.I can see a htaccess.file in the main folder but when you start asking me questions about this side of things,its going beyond my level of competance!!

    now that i've backed up to 5.2.3 its all working again but if you come up with any ideas that need me to upgrade again to 5.2.7 then I will.


  10. i've just restored v 5.2.3 from my back up files.Its all working again now though I have an error log saying this

    "----- Restore Log from files_5.2.3_08Oct13-175420.zip (23 Jan 2014 - 20:29:17) -----

    includes/global.inc.php - Extract Status: write_protected"
    I'm not updating back to 5.2.7 unless I hear theres a fix!!
  11. admin error log is empty

    system error log shows this message twice,but from jan 11/12th

    "File: [cart.class.php] Line: [267] "SELECT `option_id`, `value_id` FROM `CubeCart_option_assign` WHERE `matrix_include` = 1 AND `assign_id` IN () ORDER BY `option_id`, `value_id` ASC " - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') ORDER BY `option_id`, `value_id` ASC' at line 1"

  12. Hi on logging in to my admin tonight I had the message that I needed to update to the new 5.2.7 cubecart which I did.Since then I've just had a customer call me to say they were trying to place an order but when trying to check out received a message saying something like " page not visible"? I've gone into my admin and can see her orders sitting in the order box(2 duplicate orders where she's tried again) and if I click on the order and try to update its status to order complete etc,I then get a blank page!

    any one got any ideas? all working fine before the update.thanks

  13. I need help with two issues please. Firstly I'm using Kurouto blue as the skin on my site www.nutbags.co.uk  and some customers have said they had trouble finding the log in button. Its right at the very top of the page but they've usually scrolled down and lost sight of it! Is it possible to move the log in or register buttons,perhaps to underneath "your shopping basket" or alternately to leave them where they are but making the text larger??

    My second question is that I would like it if customers had to opt out of subscribing to mailing lists rather than opting in.Can I do this?

    I'm using mailchimp to send out my newsletters every 6-8 weeks and that gives customers the option to unsubscribe which I'm happy with.I find too many customers are not opting in at the registration stage.


  14. I'd like to use this tweak too but cannot find the exact wording as listed in this thread.Maybe as its some time since last message updates have changed the script?

    The script I'm seeing in that section of the index.inc.php page is as follows. What should I change to get rid of these bot stats?


    // Customers Online
    $timeLimit = time()-1800;  // 30 minutes
    $query = sprintf("SELECT S.*, C.first_name, C.last_name FROM %1$sCubeCart_sessions AS S LEFT JOIN %1$sCubeCart_customer AS C ON S.customer_id = C.customer_id WHERE S.session_last>".$timeLimit." ORDER BY S.session_last DESC", $glob['dbprefix']);
    if (($results = $GLOBALS['db']->query($query)) !== false) {
    $GLOBALS['main']->addTabControl($lang['statistics']['title_customers_active'], 'stats_online', false, false, count($results));
    foreach ($results as $user) {
    $user['is_admin'] = ((int)$user['admin_id'] > 0) ? 1 : 0;
    $user['name'] = ((int)$user['customer_id'] != 0) ? sprintf('%s %s', $user['first_name'], $user['last_name']) : $lang['common']['guest'];
    $user['session_length'] = sprintf('%.2f', ($user['session_last']-$user['session_start'])/60);
    $user['session_start'] = formatTime($user['session_start']);
    $user['session_last'] = formatTime($user['session_last']);
    $smarty_data['users_online'][] = $user;
    $page_content = $GLOBALS['smarty']->fetch('templates/statistics.index.php');
  15. I've just upgraded from v4 to v5.1.1 after getting a message from softaculous saying I had script updates available.what it didn't say was that,this would upgrade you to v5lite and you then had to pay £48 to get the upgrade key!!!

    having now done this I find my logo will not load and I cannot put images on my homepage.I had blank squares but no image where photos were originally placed.If I try to add new images I click the image link as before and get the box,but when I ask it to browse server to find my images i get a blank webpage open up with the google chome logo and nothing else.

    any ideas???


  16. I have been having problems with Cubecart's email feature since February of this year.

    Since I was limited to 60 emails per hour on my server, I decided to purchase access to a dedicated email server with no limits.

    When I sent the bulk html email, either all or some of those customers received a blank email.

    The first line of the html email is to create a table.

    Sending a test HTML email to myself worked fine; sending a bulk HTML email (i was on the mailing list) came out as follows:

    <table cellspacing=3D

    And that was it.

    After that I modified some php code just for the hell of it (I backed it up) to the point where I tried to have cubecart send an email just to me while NOT being in test mode.

    That didn't work out well and I ended up getting some bounced emails back to me.

    The interesting part is that in the bounced emails, it would specify that the email could not be sent because of invalid recipients or something and that the email that tried to be sent was listed below.

    When I looked through the 30 emails that were sent to me, the first ones has the normal html code, but then I started seeing the emails being cut off like mentioned above.

    My email server is looking into it but also suggested that I ask here as well just in case this is a known issue or an issue that can be figured out here.

    Any email masters that can figure this out? It's a tough one.



    I had a similar problem in that some of my customers got a blank email.I found that on the send email page you have to select how they receive the email,in either text or html form or customer preference( which is the default setting.) Select html and mine worked fine after that.

  17. hi All,I've set up some product options on my website where I sell bird seed.I sell it loose by the kilo or in whole sacks.I have set up the product as 1kg of each seed with a drop down option of selecting a whole sack,but I have to show the sack price as the price of 1kg + an extra amount.For example if 1kg of seed is £2 and a sack is £28 the drop down product option lists it as +£26 I think this might be confusing to customers so how can I make the drop down option show the total price and when added to basket,it registers correct price? web site is at www.birdfood2u.co.uk if you want to see what i've done.Only on seed and nut products.thanks

  18. this problem improved for a while then after getting a new laptop it returned on both my websites.After taking advice from cubecart techs i've now changed my internet browser and ditch internet explorer in favour of chrome.seems to be ok now.

  19. hi, there, i've never had a problem with the fckeditor for the past 5 years that i have been using "cubecart", but today i discovered that the "source" button on the HOMEPAGE document has stopped working. the HOMEPAGE document is the only document that is affected, and now i cannot view, copy, or upload any code.

    when i try to simply copy the contents from that homepage document and paste it into my desktop html editor, it only copies the text, but not the images, or tables, etc. so, at this point, i cannot modify or do anything regarding my homepage document.

    can someone help me to figure out how to fix the "source" button that has stopped working in the fckeditor for my HOMEPAGE document?


    ...nevermind, i figured out the problem. i am using the "google plus one" code and i had inserted it in the Homepage document, and, for some reason, it was messing with the "source" button of the fckeditor. now that the code has been removed, all is well once more. :)

    this issue is now RESOLVED.

    hi, there, i've never had a problem with the fckeditor for the past 5 years that i have been using "cubecart", but today i discovered that the "source" button on the HOMEPAGE document has stopped working. the HOMEPAGE document is the only document that is affected, and now i cannot view, copy, or upload any code.

    when i try to simply copy the contents from that homepage document and paste it into my desktop html editor, it only copies the text, but not the images, or tables, etc. so, at this point, i cannot modify or do anything regarding my homepage document.

    can someone help me to figure out how to fix the "source" button that has stopped working in the fckeditor for my HOMEPAGE document?


    ...nevermind, i figured out the problem. i am using the "google plus one" code and i had inserted it in the Homepage document, and, for some reason, it was messing with the "source" button of the fckeditor. now that the code has been removed, all is well once more. :)

    this issue is now RESOLVED.

    Hi Shereen,i'm having this problem too.What do you mean about the google plus one code and how do I check/remove it? I've had this problem on one of my 2 sites for several months but since buying a new lap top last week they worked fine.Now i've gone in today and both sites homepages will not update!

  20. Using FTP, look at the filename timestamp of the homepage file, home.inc.php in your language folder.

    Edit the file in the admin screens and save. Now look at the timestamp again. Did it change?

    Since there is a home.inc.php in every language folder, are you editing in one language but your store is showing a different language?

    You said you edited the file after having retrieved it via FTP? Does the timestamp on the file now show a date earlier than today, the day you last edited it?


    I just now recalled that after editing the Home Page Document, the new content and any edits afterward is stored in the database. So the timestamp questions above are irrelevant to CC4.

    Do you have direct access to your database?

    Have you for any reason (mods, etc) made changes to the code in the file \admin\sources\docs\home.inc.php? What version of CC4 are you using?

    i'm using 4.4.2 no changes made to this file.As said in 1st message everything worked fine until I tried to update homepage after returning from holiday.My other cubecart website works ok and i've now found if i try to update on a different pc,rather than my usual laptop,it works.I'm guessing this means its a problem with my laptop rather than general though why is my other site working ok??

    thanks for help

  21. Since coming home from holiday 2 weeks ago I cannot edit my sites homepage.Everything worked fine before!

    Now if I update the homepage then click the update button,i get the message saying it has updated but it actually stays as it was.If I can change the source then edit in html it seems to work sometimes,but now I cannot get the source to change either!

    I put in a cubecart support ticket and they looked and said it worked fine.I tried it and sure enough it worked first time for me but now its stopped again.Cubecart suggested emptying the cache which i've done without success.I can edit products and site documents ok,its just the homepage that won't.I also have 2 seperate websites and the other one works fine.All settings are the same.

    any ideas?


    Since initial message I follow cubecarts advice and cleared cache.Nothing happend when I tried it in the sites Maintenance section so I did it through the FTP editing pages.Everythinng worked fine after that until the next day when its all back as my earlier message.AAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGG!! any ideas anyone?

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