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Posts posted by salvador21

  1. Thanks bsmither, however there's still an bit of an issue:

    Although it works once a cutomer is on the product page, if they add to basket from the category list then they get no out of stock warning.

    Is that a simple fix I wonder? Thanks.

  2. No, that wasn't it that was the same

    But I think I found the problem. I'd copied and pasted from my email notification. However when I copy and paste from your post above it now appears to be working.

    The email notifications had somehow taken out some of the code.

  3. Aha

    Line 227 in /classes/catalogue.class.php is a bit different:

    if ((int)$stock_level <= 0) {
    // Out of Stock
    if (!$GLOBALS['config']->get('config', 'basket_out_of_stock_purchase')) {
    // Not Allowed
    $allow_purchase = false;
    $out = true;

  4. Thanks, that's very helpful. It might too complex for me but I'll have a go.

    OK I tried it and it seems to work, but changed the font size in the Admin CP, made all the text larger so this is a bit worrying. Any idea why that would happen?

  5. I want to allow out of stock purchases, so have enabled it.

    However if I do that, then the product page does not show that it is out of stock (as it did with Cubecart4) and customers expect immediate delivery as they can't see it's out of stock.

    My store policy and product descriptions state that shipping for out of stock items may take 2 - 3 weeks.

    If I disable out of stock purchases customers obviously don't get an add to cart button

    Is there a way round this please or am I missing something?

  6. Hmm.. I have product code showing in my Order Received email

    {$product.name} {$product.product_code}


    Aha, I found the problem.

    I needed to click on the US flag not the UK flag.

    I found the store settings is set to US English by default, have changed that so hopefully all will be fine.

  7. If you are comfortable with editing a file (use a programmer's text editor, Notepad++ or MacVim), in the file /classes/order.class.php, line 213, remove just this part:

    $GLOBALS['config']->get('config','admin_notify_status')=="1" &&

    Line 391, remove just this part:

    $GLOBALS['config']->get('config','admin_notify_status')=="2" &&

    This will get you Pending and Processing regardless of the setting in the admin screen.

    You (admin) should get some kind of an email on a digital sale. I don't see why you wouldn't.

    many thanks, I'll try that modification.

    I find the pending emails useful, if someone didn't complete a sale I reply the next day to the pending email to remind them to complete it. This has resulted in sales that would I think otherwise have been missed.

    Yes, I do get the digital sale notifications, I was wrong about that.

    In Email Templates, click on the desired flag of Admin: Order Received, HTML Content tab, then add ({$product.product_id}) after {$product.name} in the Item table column. Do the same for the Plain Text Content tab as well. Click Save.

    Tried this, it isn't working either for {$product.product_id} or {$product.product_code}

  8. "missing the email notifications I used to get"

    "I" from an admin point of view, or as the customer?

    Yes, I as an admin

    CC515 does not send an email to the customer when the order goes to Pending (although a number of admins want this, and there is a hack over on the other forums that does this).

    Not a problem, I just want it to go to me, not necessarily the customer

    CC5 will send to the admin(s) an email when the order goes to Pending or Processing (Store Settings, Features tab, Misc group). In addition, each Administrator must have "Receive order notifications" enabled. But there will be an email sent to the default store's email address.

    This is also a problem. I don't want pending or processing, I just want both as I had before v5

    For an order to go to Complete status, the admin must move the order to that status when the order is shipped. So I think there's no point in an email for that. You may have other needs. But an email should be sent to the customer.

    I do see a point in an email for that (as before with v4), it's useful to know via email when a digital sale has been made. Currently there is no notification for digital sales. At least, I don't get any (like I used to with v4)

    In Email Templates, click on the desired flag of Admin: Order Received, HTML Content tab, then add ({$product.product_id}) after {$product.name} in the Item table column. Do the same for the Plain Text Content tab as well. Click Save.

    Thanks, that looks very useful, though it might be {$product.product_code} as that is what is in the list of macros.

    So far it seems one step forward, one step back due to the missing email notifications in v5

    I wanted a copy of the Order Complete email, so this thread might help you:

    http://forums.cubeca...nd +copy +email

    Thanks, but that looked a bit complicated fo me. I was wondering if there was an easy way to get what was happening in v4, ie notifications of pending, processing and order complete.

  9. I have just upgraded to v5 and am missing the email notifications I used to get in v4:


    • Notifications for pending orders.
    • Notifications for orders completed.

    All I get now are processing orders. (New Order)

    Is there somewhere to enable these notifications please?

    Also I would like to know how to get the product code in the New Order notification, is this possible like in v4?

  10. Let's discuss the mod over at the other forum.

    Unless you mean the simple edit:

    $where = array('product_id' => ##); // replace ## with the product_id of the desired product.

    is what is not working.

    No I meant the mod, perhaps I'm misunderstanding what it's supposed to do, I thought it would do what Alvarito is asking, ie just allow you to choose one featured product. But it seems more complex than that.

    Also I didn't understand the simple edit $where = array('product_id' => ##) I couldn't find that in gui.class.php

  11. I had a message from a potential customer that they got this error when trying to access my store:

    Parsed array keys can not contain illegal characters! Script execution has been halted.

    It may be possible to fix this error by deleting your browsers cookies and refresh this page.

    I could find nothing wrong, so I couldn't fix anything, however the next day i tried with a different browser (Safari) and I got the error.

    By removing the cookies folder and then pasting it back in tyne library (Mac OS X Lion), the error went away.

    But this could be happening to customers and I appear to have no way of knowing if I am losing sales or not unless they contact me about it.

    Can anyone help please? How can I troubleshoot if I am not now getting the problem on my browsers?

    NB: I had not recently changed any code or installed any mods.

  12. Is it possible to view or export a list of the Cubecart mailing list subscribers? So I can integrate this into my main mailing list which is not just customers.

    I can se how to either export all customers, or send a bulk email to list subscribers, but not export the list subscriber addresses.


  13. I have one transaction that took place yesterday which went through, but the orders list in my Admin CP still only shows pending and for which I did not get a payment received notification.

    I have not had this problem with previous transactions, it appears to be a one off. I have not modified anything recently.

    The customer got a payment received confirmation email notification, but I didn't.

    Payment is via Worldpay.

    Can anyone help please?

  14. This issue makes no sense.

    Even if a payment module does not return to a cubecart page, cubecart is still able to send a payment confirmation email to the buyer:

    Payment Received for 110808-153427-9865

    Dear xxx

    We would just like to inform you that payment for order number 110808-153427-9865 has cleared and you should receive your goods shortly.

    Surely this means it must be possible for there also to be a comm between Cubecart and the affiliate after payment has been made?

  15. Just made another test order and it's now checked :)

    Do you know your Logout and Your Account links don't work?

    Yes, all working now.

    Thanks I didn't know those links weren't working, I can't find out what is wrong, odd that the links work for logging in but not logging out or account.

    I can sort of fix it in that style by removing the (custom) div that contains them, but that div does nothing but positions the {SESSION} and colors the links. Weird.

    Have gone back to my previous style now and all is well (I think), so thanks for pointing that out.

  16. Open includes/content.gateway.inc.php and see if this block on your file, matches the following...

    				if($gatewayModules[$i]['default'] == 1){
    					$gateway->assign('VAL_CHECKED', 'checked="checked"');
    				} else {
    					$gateway->assign('VAL_CHECKED', '');
    Yes, looks like it:

    if($gatewayModules[$i]['default'] == 1){
    					$gateway->assign('VAL_CHECKED', 'checked="checked"');
    				} else {
    					$gateway->assign('VAL_CHECKED', '');
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