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Big Spender

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Posts posted by Big Spender

  1. I currently have: -

    ErrorDocument 404 http://www.domain.com/404.html

    In my htaccess, which works fine when I attempt to go to a page that doesn't exist ending in a .php or no extension, however anything that has a .html extension redirects to index.php instead of the 404, which I imagine is to do with CC5's SEO config in htaccess.

    What do I need to do to get the 404 working on .html's too?


  2. It will automatically pickup that your on a mobile device and use the mobile skin, you can then use the full size link if you want the full site, sometimes if your on iPad its better to just use the full site.

    The link alternates depending on whether your on the standard skin or the mobile.

  3. Had an order the other day for products which had the stock level enabled with: -

    Use Stock Level: Yes

    Stock Level: 0

    Stock Level Warning: 0

    Allow out of stock purchases is set to disabled in general settings.

    Yet the customer was still able to check out with three out of stock items, which are now on negative stock.

    Anyone else with similar problems?

  4. Not entirely sure what you mean... adding display: none will just hide the button all the time right?

    This is one of my drop downs currently with the button commented out until I can figure out how to only show if JS is enabled: -

        {if isset($PRODUCTS) && count($PRODUCTS) >= 1}
            <form action="{$VAL_SELF}" method="post">
                <div id="pagination">
                    <span class="pageSelect">{if isset($PAGINATION)}{$PAGINATION}{/if}</span>
                    {if isset($SORTING)}
                        <select name="sort" class="sort auto_submit">
                            <option value="">{$LANG.form.please_select}</option>
                            {foreach from=$SORTING item=sort}
                            <option value="{$sort.field}|{$sort.order}" {$sort.selected}>{$sort.name} ({$sort.direction})</option>
                        <!--<button type="submit" class="button fr2" />{$LANG.form.sort}</button>-->
    and this is Vanillas: -
    {if isset($PRODUCTS) && count($PRODUCTS) >= 1}
    <form action="{$VAL_SELF}" method="post">
      <div class="control">
    <span class="pagination">{if isset($PAGINATION)}{$PAGINATION}{/if}</span>
    {if isset($SORTING)}
    <select name="sort" class="auto_submit">
     <option value="">{$LANG.form.please_select}</option>
     {foreach from=$SORTING item=sort}
     <option value="{$sort.field}|{$sort.order}" {$sort.selected}>{$sort.name} ({$sort.direction})</option>
    <input type="submit" value="{$LANG.form.sort}" />

  5. There is a class on things like the currency and sort order drop downs which auto submits the form on click called 'auto_submit'.

    I have this on my drop downs on a modified vanilla skin, however I have needed to change the submit buttons (which are set to 'display: none' i'm guessing if JS is available) to <buttons> to allow my font replacement on the buttons to work correctly.

    The problem is the <button> needs the display: none; when JS isn't available like the submit button does on Vanilla, where would I change this to hide the <button> rather than submit?

  6. I have read the various other threads on this.

    I have an order which has one product included on the order but then also 4 x null products £0.00

    I have checked the order inventory on the database and it shows blank data.

    See screenshots.

    I asked CubeCart who told me to upgrade as I am currently running 5.1.1 (I wasn't confident at all in upgrading yet after seeing all the problems with 5.1.2-5.1.3, etc) I noticed that 5.1.4 includes a fix for ''to prevent possible loss of order inventory data in order class function "_updateOrder"

    Do you think it's safe to upgrade? and if so what are the chances of this actually fixing my problem?

  7. They fixed this for me on a support ticket so it looks like a problem on the 5.0.9 code maybe.

    Note this was with the EU cookie option disabled.

    If you don't have the EU cookies function enabled it should track Google Analytics as normal, if you do have EU cookies enabled it should only track Google Analytics if the end user has accepted the cookies.

  8. Hi,

    Upon getting to the payment section of the checkout process my store does not redirect automatically (when the loading image appears), you have to click the continue button to go through to the payment gateway.

    Anyone else had this problem? and if so how to fix it!

    I only have one payment gateway enabled so it skips the payment method selection screen.

    Kind Regards

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