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Everything posted by lynnmcdee

  1. Hi, The wallpaper background on my website was grey and white flowers. It is now green, brown and white flowers I have looked in httpdocs / skins / kurouto / images / blue / logo / body-bg.gif this is showing the file but it will not let me change it. Am I looking in the wrong place? Also, I have an image slideshow on my homepage and I would like to update the images. Which file are the images located in?
  2. I think this is just something i will have to live with. I can print preview and manually change the page breaks as I go. Thanks for all your help.
  3. No, unfortunately Firefox did not print the multiple orders form-feeding the pages separately. What do you suggest now I have now removed the order notes - big thank you.
  4. I Have downloaded Firefox and integrated Firebug as advised. This is what the CSS file is showing: CSS file: html, body { border: medium none; font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 0.9em; margin: 0; padding: 0; } hr { background-color: #000000; border: medium none; color: #000000; height: 1px; } #footer p { margin: 0; } .page-break { page-break-after: always; } What do you suggest?
  5. Ok, I will try. How do I remove the order notes from the packing slip?
  6. The contents of the print.css do match the above
  7. No, I can't see .page-break { page-break-after: always;} Where should I insert this code?
  8. print.css file is: <div class="page-break"> I think it could be the order notes that is causing the problem! Can I removed the order notes?
  9. Hi, I have tried printing in explorer and Chrome and it is the same. line 10 :{foreach from=$ORDER_LIST item=order} line 11 : <div class="page-break">
  10. Hi, When I try to print four different customer packing lists the page breaks are missing and they all continuously print. Which file do i alter and how do i insert a break?
  11. Hi, I am currently using cubecart version 5.2.5. On the admin I currently have the 'Global Meta Data Behaviour' set to 'Replace Meta data Behaviour'. I have entered unique meta title and descriptions for all categories and products. When the pages are showing on Google only the homepage is showing the Meta title and descriptions and the other pages are picking information from the content on the website for the meta description or using part of the meta description and content from the webpage. When I view the source on the page the meta title and description is showing as I have entered in the admin. I would like the meta title and description to show on Google as I have entered in the admin for each category and product page. What am I doing wrong?
  12. Ahhh. I have now enabled the newsletter template and have signed up for the newsletter - so far I have not received a confirmation email.
  13. Hi, I don't know if you can also advise - when customers sign up for a newsletter they don't receive a confirmation email. In the admin section > email templates there is a newsletter listed but when I change the red cross to a green tick and save it automatically defaults back to the red cross.
  14. Hi, Thank you soooo much. {$category.cat_desc} was at the bottom. I have now moved it and it worked.
  15. At the moment the category description is at the bottom of the page. Is there a way to move the category description to the top of the page before the products?
  16. I use Chrome. But I will certainly try another browser. Thanks for the advice
  17. I think I need a new developer..... I will follow your instructions - wish me luck.
  18. How do I "have your database server configured to log all query requests"?
  19. Hi, Thank you so much for your reply. I have submitted a ticket and they have said they have thousands of merchants and if this was an issue they would be inundated with support tickets and I will have to talk to my developer. Unfortunately my developer is not responding to my emails. No, there is no red banner when I log in now. Yes, I have complete access and control over the server hosting. As you suggested I have just completed the maintenance repair and fingers crossed this works.
  20. I have recently upgrade from v5.1 to v5.2.5 and all of the categories and images have been removed from the products. I have tried to reassign the categories and images again but when I get about 80% of the products updated and saved the images and categories are removed again. Has anyone else had this problem and any ideas on how to fix this.
  21. Thank you - I think I have found the mod but it's for version 4 and I have recently upgraded to version 5 :(
  22. Hi, I have just upgraded from V4 to V5 and I would like to add the facility to be able to search by size and colour or have a filter to be able to search by size and colour. Has anyone come across a mod or know how to go about this? I have asked Cubecat helpdesk and they have suggested the forum. Please help....
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