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Everything posted by jmartca

  1. in Google web font http://www.google.com/fonts Inconsolata is a other monospaced font we can use but I have not tested it yet
  2. ok it should work so font have different lenght ex: 10x "L" in small llllllllll Versus 10x "M" in caps MMMMMMMMMM that some of the worst case but it's just to show it's dificult to manage a displayed limitation BUT if you use a fixed length font that will work great I just try it a few minute agos so here how to do that store/admin/skins/default/styles/layout.css line 285 look like .tab_content input.textbox, .tb-form input.textbox { width: 300px; } change it to fixedsys have a fixe characteres width so a I will be egual to a W in this font but this font is only in MS windows as I know for you rinformation they call those type of font "monospaced font" .tab_content input.textbox, .tb-form input.textbox { width: 300px; } .tab_content input.textbox#name { font-family: Fixedsys; width: auto; } that will make the font inside the text box to the font "fixedsys" so now if you use the attribute " size="25" " only in product name than into the products.index.php of store/admin/skins/default/templates/ line 127 look like <div><label for="name">{$LANG.catalogue.product_name}</label><span><input name="name" id="name" class="textbox required" type="text" value="{$PRODUCT.name}" /></span></div> so add a attribute size="here the number of char" in my exemple 40 <div><label for="name">{$LANG.catalogue.product_name}</label><span><input name="name" id="name" class="textbox required" type="text" size="40" value="{$PRODUCT.name}" /></span></div> that work in FF and Chrome except Chrome add 1 char for the luck so in Chrome 40 give you a 41 char long box
  3. ok I read it too fast... I will read it back Ho yeah thas is a good info thx I have done that but I have keep "margin-right: 10px;" 10 is a good value that make stuff a bit more spaced thx again for the info
  4. I fand a way to do that.... but are you in windows or in mac, linux
  5. Good tread but before disable it I will see if I use them in some way...
  6. the problem is when you put a lenght "size attribute" for text input every browser manage it a bit differently ex: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5361606/input-fields-rendered-very-differently-in-different-browsers the answering guy say "Different browsers use different default fonts, font sizes, and ppi measures, meaning that you get massively different sized (in pixels) fields." but my experience is, set it to what ever exemple 25 and in some browser it will fit exactly 25 char and after it will scroll but in other you will be able to fit almost 50 before you reach the end so I really dont know what to do whit that except make a big css whit exception for each browser and the good value for each of them after test it all or just test Chrome and for the rest .... put a text box pls. use Chrome... ok you can do it for FF too... best regards, J-Marc
  7. something like that? in HTML5 <input name="name" id="name" class="textbox required" type="text" pattern="[ -ÿ]{4,60}" title="Pls enter a minimum of 4 characteres and a maximum of 60 that for a better seo optimisation"> in fact the title attribute should be a test var...
  8. If you get **** off about the open and close of the right menu in the default admin skin just a small modification like this can keep you any of head ake in layout.css of the admin/skins/default/styles/ #content { margin-right: 30px; margin-left: 160px; background-color: #FFF; }
  9. yes I will keep that in mind if I saw something wrong whit that I will post a correction of it to make every happy to work whit CC
  10. here a other advantage of the title tweak when we put a too long category description that tittle will be cut in this wait too
  11. this is just some note for every body need same thing or if you have comment those modif will allow you to add 10 images in the product detail without scarp your interface in common.css line 462 - 465 #gallery { width: 420px; height: 280px; } and in content.product.php line 99 - 107 {foreach from=$GALLERY item=image key=i} {if $i lte 4} <a href="{$image.large}" id="image_{$image.id}" class="colorbox gallery" rel="gallery"><img src="{$image.gallery}" alt="{$LANG.catalogue.click_enlarge}" /></a> {else} </div><div id="gallery_select"> <a href="{$image.large}" id="image_{$image.id}" class="colorbox gallery" rel="gallery"><img src="{$image.gallery}" alt="{$LANG.catalogue.click_enlarge}" /></a> {/if} {/foreach}
  12. Here what I have also done: in main.php line 4 of Kurouto skin {substr( $META_TITLE, 0 , strrpos( substr( $META_TITLE , 0 , 66 ) ,' ' ))} I put 66 because the smallest word after the the first cut will be one letter so: 66 char minus 1 letter minus one space I got the value of 64, so the magic value of the W3C and if we add "- (the powered by cube cart)" we got 88 char so is a more than what Goolgle ask for but I'm ok whit that I have also made a other tweak about the number image display for one product now I got two column for a max of ten well displayed
  13. thx for the advice I look for that and here what I find http://blog.powermapper.com/blog/post/Page-Title-Length-for-Search-Engines.aspx W3C recommends a maximum of 64 characters for page titles. Bing recommends a title around 65 characters long. Yahoo recommends a maximum title length of 67 characters (although this advice is obsolete since Bing now supplies Yahoo's search results) Google don't have any guidance for content publishers, and now limits the title on the visible (typographic) width displayed in the browser. For example, both these titles are 41 characters long, but one is much wider when displayed in a browser:
  14. the line of code cut only the display text and this is what I need, so I use that because my item title are very long I make a topic about that only for other user need this.... by the way do you know where I can get a list of all $var declare in Cubecart ex: $product.url = Url of the current product $product.name = name of the current product $product.price = .... I find something about what the file and where they are use but nothing about $var https://support.cubecart.com/index.php?/Knowledgebase/Article/View/202/46/how-do-i-create-a-custom-skin-or-template-in-cubecart-v5 About BS is probably my computer I reboot it and every thing work so I will edit my msg to take it off
  15. I have made this modification in the Kurouto skin main.php line 53 <li><a href="{$crumb.url}">{substr($crumb.title,0,100)}</a></li> that limit the number of char to 100 in the bar "where you are" or call it "adress bar" If that can help someone But I would like to suggest a option so I can change that in the admin panel like the product description short have it thx J-Marc
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