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Nik Grey

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Posts posted by Nik Grey

  1. Sorry for the delay in my response, and trying the suggested edits. Thursdays is my Hospital Radio Show day so am not usually around much on that day as there is a lot of preparation to do (patients to visit).


    Many thanks for your continued support - I only wish I had the money to throw at this in order to get it as I expected it to be :(


    I tried both Brian's edit and then Jonathan's but unfortunately Brians removed my other products aswell. adding the hash to the file mentioned didnt seem to do anything. WI was clearing my Cache each time (got used to doing that when making any change).

  2. Thanks Brian,


    I have paid the developer for this now, I am just glad its over with them. it would probably take months to get the revisions I want and I am due for a less stressful time.


    I tried the 'Status' option - turning it from the tick to the cross but then nothing is added to my cart from the tool, it took me a while to figure that out - I have been trying different stages of the instructions you gave above to see which bit was causing it to fail.. then in a last attempt tried enabling that category again.


    If you go to the category I want to hide, there is sort of an explanation at the top "Separate Category to Maintain Products Created for Lettering Purpose from Front End." but of course there is no need to show what others have purchased - some may not like to see that made public at all as you can imagine.


    I think I am going to have to find a way to put a page in between the link on the homepage and the tool so I can explain how it works - that's the only way I can see at the moment.

  3. Is there any way I can add some explanation text under this tool now ? I will need to explain how to use it and maybe link to some other pages - a 'Vinyl Application Guide' for example.


    Really what I am saying is I would like to edit the page !


    Oh no, its broken again, nothing is being added to the cart :(

  4. Just got home, I present/represent Hospital Radio here in Norwich and had to go and accept a cheque from our local Amateur Radio club - it was a big occasion and took longer than expected.. as we are a charity I do a few things in the fundraising department.


    I will try the code above Brian so thanks for that.

    DB The Mobile Skin may have to be disabled as I think its going to be more trouble than its worth at the moment as there's no way the tools will work with it - the Upload Tool cropping wont work on touch screens and I hadnt even checked the Lettering tool.


    I would be happy with Breadcrumbs but I cant even see them ! I can see them, was looking in the wrong place (I am used to Joomla)


    I am using Firefox on OSX 10.9.1


    ok, that worked - it removed the sidebar on the right but its just a blank space now as may as well have the sidebar back unless there is a way of making that tool bigger without too much messing about (I doubt it though).


    Also I just noticed Brians 2nd comment.. will try now.


    You see - if you follow instruction things do work :)


    Outstanding: http://greyprint.co.uk/index.php?_a=letter

  5. Using the Mican skin.


    I want to add a link in the navigation menu on the left hand side which points to this tool Here. but either I am using the wrong search terms or there is very little to give me any clues.


    I have tried adding new categories/products etc but still no way of pointing a menu item to the page which contains my tool :(


    I suppose we are going to be editing files ? how would I go about this hopefully simple task ?

  6. Ok, I tlooks like I now have Both tools working.


    The 'Lettering Tool' was a simple Folder Permissions issue but as I was getting Zero instructions with that package there's no way I would have known what the problem was.


    It's Here.

    I am told that provision has been made for this in the latest revision which I am yet to receive (in admin it will tell me if the permissions are wrong).


    And I'm having people test the image uploader, any of these at the moment: Here. which has gone smoothly from start to finish in its development thanks to Jonathan.


    No, I need to work out how to place a link in the main menu on the left which will take people to my Lettering Tool as a page in its own right, and work out how to stop the previous Lettering Purchases from being displayed.


    It's been a Roller Coaster but will be worth it once it's all working and I can open up properly :)

  7. I just don't understand why I cannot get anything to work myself :(


    Months I have been building this business - I have all of the hardware in place and have perfected all of the processes I am offering, I just need a couple of tools before I can open.


    I was hoping, maybe it was ME uploading things in the wrong way (although for at least Ten years I have been doing so with no problems).. it's still a mystery.

  8. Hi Folks,


    I am using Filezilla, just replacing files in order to see if another revision of the Lettering Tool I am having made will work this time.


    Something odd is going on - I am uploading a file with a size of 36,395 but once it is uploaded it is smaller - at 35,691


    I havent noticed this before, I always rename the file I am replacing and deleting the original to be replaced to be safe but every time I upload the file it is smaller on the server.


    Surely this is not correct ?


    Transfer type is Auto.


    I tried setting Transfer Mode to 'Passive' as per the filezilla instruction page - still the same.


    I have been using this for years and never noticed this !

  9. SUCCESS !!!


    I just happened to mention about the £ sign not showing problem to Jonathan (Toucan) in passing as he has built another tool for me.


    I didn't expect him to do anything but he just replied saying he had fixed it - and he has ! it's working - look:




    To say I am chuffed is an under statement.. now I wonder if I pass on the information if my original developer can make some changes to his code so I dont have to have someone else make further changes ?


    I feel like the weight of the world has just been lifted from my shoulders.


    happy :)


    This is all Jonathan said - means nothing to me but it will do some of you:


    Had a play around with it, managed to get it sorted, it needs to use html entity numbers apparently, php doesn't have a function to directly convert to those though, utf8_encode does not seem to do the trick

    Right, should be sorted now, had to add in a translation to that

  10. ok, I have another version of this tool - it is claimed to be the same version as HERE


    So, does the html match THIS one.


    If so, why does the £ still not work.. :(


    Could this all be down to some setting I have control over? I stopped banging my head against the wall for a while and found this:



    This works in all chrome, IE, Firefox.

    In Database > table > field type .for example set the symbol column TO varchar(2) utf8_bin php code:

    $symbol = '£';
    echo mb_convert_encoding($symbol, 'UTF-8', 'HTML-ENTITIES');
    html_entity_decode($symbol, ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8');

    And also make sure set the HTML OR XML encoding to encoding="UTF-8"

    Note: You should make sure that database, document type and php code all have a same encoding

  11. Well, I have solved the missing pages issue - the original chap put an .htaccess file in (I renamed it and things are working now):


    Still no £ sign, but at least Admin is working :)


    ## File Security
    <FilesMatch ".(htaccess)$">
     Order Allow,Deny
     Deny from all

    #### Apache directory listing rules ####
    DirectoryIndex index.php index.htm index.html
    IndexIgnore *

    #### Rewrite rules for SEO functionality ####

    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
      RewriteEngine On
       ######## START v4 SEO URL BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY ########
      RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (.*)$
      RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
      RewriteRule cat_([0-9]+)(.[a-z]{3,4})?(.*)$    index.php?_a=category&cat_id=$1&%1 [NC]

      RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (.*)$
      RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
      RewriteRule prod_([0-9]+)(.[a-z]{3,4})?$        index.php?_a=product&product_id=$1&%1 [NC]

      RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (.*)$
      RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
      RewriteRule info_([0-9]+)(.[a-z]{3,4})?$        index.php?_a=document&doc_id=$1&%1 [NC]

      RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (.*)$
      RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
      RewriteRule tell_([0-9]+)(.[a-z]{3,4})?$        index.php?_a=product&product_id=$1&%1 [NC]

      RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (.*)$
      RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
      RewriteRule _saleItems(.[a-z]+)?(?.*)?$        index.php?_a=saleitems&%1 [NC,L]
      ######## END v4 SEO URL BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY ########

      RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
      RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
      RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !=/favicon.ico
      RewriteRule ^(.*).html?$ index.php?seo_path=$1 [L,QSA]

  12. Sorry, yes - I meant in the 'Enter Text' box, the £ doesnt work. I did just upload another font as my thought was the font was missing that symbol.


    This is important for me as I know people will want to use this £ symbol.


    You said it:

    "Also, it is apparent that your site still has a version of this package different than the developer's site."


    This is exactly what is worrying me.. will get back onto him now - I'm sure he wants to finish this as much as I need to start using it.


    Also I notice a lot of pages arent working in the admin area:




    for example.


    The site seems to be slower also, takes a while to load the updated text when you update it :(


    I'm not sure if I can do anything else to help that - I did optimise the tables :(

  13. Thanks Brian.


    There were issues with the drop down menu not showing the colours, and the 'Available' colours page was not showing any colours either but that was becayse the # was missing. thats fixed now.


    The main problem, and it might seem like a small one but its important to me - the '£' doesnt work, all I get is a square.

  14. Starting a new thread as I was hijacking >This one previously.


    So, having a couple of tools made for my new cubecart - the original developer who is making my 'Lettering Tool' managed to get the tool working on their server Here.


    And was saying that my php version was the problem - in an attempt to rectify this I have been moved to a different server so I can use php 5.4 and ioncube.


    Things arent going well now (moved over 48 hours ago) - many pages are not displaying etc, and there is no difference to the tool on my test store Here.


    I checked my global.inc.php file to make sure the correct encoder was selected:


    $glob['encoder'] = 'ioncube';


    so am wondering what else I need do to get this working again on the new php version. I have left it so long before posting here as it might have been a progagation issue but I'm sure it cant be now :(


    I want to make a fresh install but I have a version of my new tool on there and I have no way of getting that back as I dont have anything from the developer of that yet as its not finished.


    Any idea's ?


    Not sure if this is any help: http://test-store.greyprint.co.uk/phpinfo.php

  15. Thanks Brian, I have sent him this.


    Also, I get white pages now when trying to pay or look for orders so I re-named everything back to what it was and renamed the 'Lettering' files so I can find them again (to probably delete) and the payment routine is back to normal (with Toucans tool on this test store still).


    Its now working again as expected, well - as it was before I 'installed' the Lettering Tool.


    So, they must have sent me an old revision as its working better than this on my main site Here.



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