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Posts posted by geoffb

  1. Thanks Brian,


    What i would like to have is for the basic search to be able to search the manufacturer table so if the users inputs Dior into the single search field the returning results would be whatever products have been added under that manufacturer. If this cant be done that it maybe that we include the manufacturer name again in the product name, that way a search for Dior will return.




  2. Hi again bsmither,


    thanks for the help, i have now managed to input data into the Description field on Iridium Payment Gateway form, probably as a result of altering line 113.


    I do however after testing once clearing the cache still get the message telling me there are no suitable shipping methods, what I have found is that if I add United Kingdom as an Allowed Zone and try and save it, it is not remembered.




  3. Hi,


    We now have a test payment account from Iridium Corp set up and have entered the information into the system, for some reason the *required Description box does not contain anything and it wont let us input anything in either, it says using Firebug that the input is 'Read Only', on the same subject we have tried to make a test purchase and we get a message stating 'Unfortunately there are no suitable shipping methods available for your order. This may be because the total weight of your order is too high or we cannot ship to your country.'


    We have tried to add United Kingdom as a zone but it is not getting remembered when we save, it might be that the description box problem is stopping it from saving.


    Any help?




  4. Hi bsmither,


    Yes that seems the easiest way, I originally had the breadcrumb section outside the

    <div class="{$SECTION_NAME}_wrapper">

    but now added as the first item in the div so I can now target the div of checkout_wrapper and have hidden the breadcrumb div.


    Thanks, sometimes the simplest answers are the quickest!



  5. Hi, i am using this code below

    {if isset($SECTION_NAME) && ($SECTION_NAME == "home")}
      <div id="breadcrumb">
          <li><a href="{$STORE_URL}">{$LANG.common.home}</a></li>
          {foreach from=$CRUMBS item=crumb}
          <li><a href="{$crumb.url}">{$crumb.title}</a></li>

    which is an if/else statement to basically not show a breadcrumb is its the homepage, only trouble is - when you go through to the basket, confirm pages to purchase ect I just end up with 'Home' being displayed.


    What I'd like to be able to do is not show it (like on homepage) when the user is going through the basket/checkout process.


    Any way I can complete this, maybe add template names to the if statement?



  6. Hi bsmither,


    OK thats all coded up. For anyone else looking to do the same, once I added the below to file classes/cubecart.class.php in line 118 (double check your number against the code above where it needs to sit between)

    /* MOD START */ if (($product_review = $GLOBALS['db']->select('CubeCart_reviews', 'SUM(`rating`) AS Score, COUNT(`id`) as Count', array('approved' => 1, 'product_id' => $product['product_id']))) !== false) { if($product_review[0]['Score'] !== "") $product['review_score'] = round($product_review[0]['Score']/$product_review[0]['Count'], 1); }/*MOD END*/

    I then needed to make a call to the review stars in file content.homepage.php, here it is, note that if you copy this code from the content.product.php file you need to remove the capitalisation from $PRODUCT, see the below

    {if isset($product.review_score) && $CONFIG.enable_reviews}
          <p class="rating">
          {for $i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++}
              {if $product.review_score >= $i}
              <img src="{$STORE_URL}/skins/{$SKIN_FOLDER}/images/common/star.png" alt="" />
              {elseif $product.review_score > ($i - 1) && $product.review_score < $i}
              <img src="{$STORE_URL}/skins/{$SKIN_FOLDER}/images/common/star_half.png" alt="" />
              <img src="{$STORE_URL}/skins/{$SKIN_FOLDER}/images/common/star_off.png" alt="" />

    the above will test to see if the product has a rating and if so show it in star format.


    Hope this helps future users but beware, any modifications to the core code such as the classes folder will be overwritten when you do any upgrades so for me I'm noting on file any changes so I can include them again after an update, although I'm sure doing it the plugin way would be better, just dont know how to yet!

  7. Thanks bsmither, all done!


    Just 2 questions, how will this be affected if and when I update for future versions, will I need to alter these files again as they they will be over written with the new one?


    lastly, I would like to show the product star ratings on the homepage latest products for any products that have them, is there an easy way to do this, I have as usual tried using the code from the products template but it must need something else.



  8. Hi anyone,


    Sorted this one as there is a {$if} {$else} statement on the template so I have just included a ribbon div and will positions it using absolute against the latest_product div, i do though have another question!


    I am trying to produce the following layout on the lastest products element of the homepage:


    Product image


    Product Name


    Details and Add to basket buttons


    I have all sorted apart from echo'ing out the Brand name, i have tried:


    {$MANUFACTURER} ...produces no output

    {$product.manufacturer} ...produces a number, most likely the number recorded against the manufacturer database entry

    {$product.brand} ...produces no output




  9. Hi,


    Just looking for a simple way of including some sort of 'REDUCED' image ribbon to the top left of the latest_product div class when the price div has an included span class of previous_price, so for instance:


    some form of jQuery that says: if the div .price includes a span element of .previous_price append a new div of .ribbon to div of .latest_product


    any help much appreciated.



  10. Hi bsmither,


    again, thanks very much works like a treat, just wondering if I have the following:

    <div><label for="user_title">{$LANG.user.title}</label>
                <span><select name="user[title]" id="user_title" class="textbox">
                <option value="Mr." {if $USER.title == "Mr."}selected{/if}>Mr</option>
                <option value="Mrs." {if $USER.title == "Mrs."}selected{/if}>Mrs</option>
                <option value="Miss." {if $USER.title == "Miss."}selected{/if}>Miss</option>
                <option value="Ms." {if $USER.title == "Ms."}selected{/if}>Ms</option>
                <option value="Dr." {if $USER.title == "Dr."}selected{/if}>Dr</option>
                <option value="Rev." {if $USER.title == "Rev."}selected{/if}>Rev</option>
                <option value="Other." {if $USER.title == "Other."}selected{/if}>Other</option>

    I have also added a JS function by where if the user chooses 'Other' then a new field opens (basically the old one as below and the user can add their own title

    <div class="other" style="display:none;"><label for="user_title">Other</label><span><input type="text" name="user[title]" id="user_title" class="textbox capitalize" value="{$USER.title}" /></span></div>

    although I'm not too sure if this will be saved properly into the system as I have just edited my test customer and added Sir into the Other field and the account in admin still says Mr

  11. Hi,


    I would really like to edit the content.checkout.confirm.php file


    I would like to make the Title field a set of drop down options, you've seen them everywhere. Mr, Mrs, Miss ect rather than the user typing in their title.


    At the moment its an input field with a value of {$USER.title}.


    Any help much appreciated.




  12. Hi bsmither,
    Wow very promt help, thank you. I can say I'm very very impressed with the Cube Cart product and have so far developed a new template that I hope to send you to have a look at, its a very far cry from the originals as I have stripped it right back pretty much.
    Regarding the link, I'm actually using an onclick call in the tabs that then shows the content underneath, one of which is the reviews comments so is there a way of altering the code to do this?
    My current function is:

    onclick="expandcontent('sc2', this)"

    with the actual content div being:

    <div id="sc2" class="tabcontent">
          <div align="left">

    Any furher help really appreciated.



  13. Hi,


    On the customer review output which says '5.0 average, based on 1 review' I can't seem to find the file or line to edit this as I want to edit the link for the term 'review' to open a tabbed content box somewhere else on the page.


    The content.product.php file just shows this: <p class="rating-info">{$LANG_REVIEW_INFO}</p>


    Thanks for any help.

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