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Everything posted by GreenApple

  1. OK... so the ini-custom.inc.php file is in the main CubeCart folder, and I created a test order. There is no PHP error log. I then tried clicking on the links that had previously been generated, but still no error log. This is the link that was generated by my latest test order, again it doesn't lead to the file download. This record/accesskey is in the database: http://shop.jigsawknits.co.uk/index.php?_a=download&accesskey=a2d43e95bf882d19ba1b0fe6c35791df >> the accesskey that starts with '6a96' -- did you 'reset' it's expiration so that it would (should) not fail to be delivered? No I didn't, not for this link. I did however reset a link from several months ago that I knew had worked OK in the past. When I reset it, it no longer worked!
  2. Thanks for your reply. Well, I've been into the database with mixed results. The record with the accesskey that starts with 'fee188' is missing. However.... this is another link that failed, but this time the record with this accesskey is there in the database so it's not consistent. http://shop.jigsawknits.co.uk/index.php?_a=download&accesskey=6a96206ccbcdf13f228c5febd5d22a0d I can't find the PHP error log unfortunately. Presumably it would be in the root of the server, or in the LOG folder? As far as the web host is concerned, way back in October they upgraded my hosting from Zeus to Apache. There were no problems with the upgrade, everything went OK and continued to work until this problem started last week. According to them they've done nothing since, but I'll ask again about the security measure, The only thing that they said "may" have gone wrong with the upgrade is this: "On the old Zeus web platform, rewrite rules were defined using a Zeus rewrite script called rewrite.script. On the Apache platform, this functionality is provided by .htaccess's mod_rewrite. If your site was using a Zeus rewrite script, in the majority of cases we have been able to provide an equivalent mod_rewrite rule, which we have inserted into your .htaccess file" And this is all that's in my htaccess file: AddHandler php54-script .php .php5 Whether this has anything to do with what's happening, I have no idea...
  3. Hi thanks, though I don't think I explained myself very well That Download File link is just there for customers to download the free file directly, instead of having to go through the process of adding items to the cart. The problem is where customers are ordering either free downloads, or paid-for downloads, through the shopping cart. Payment is taken, and checkout completes correctly, no problems there. The problem happens either when they click on the link in their "Your Purchased Downloads" email, or try to download from the link in their account. In both cases, nothing happens. This is happening to every single customer - I've tried several test orders, and it happens to me as well in all browsers. This is the content of the email "Your Purchased Downloads", clicking on the link should start the file download. All it does is take a logged in customer to their account, or anyone else to a page with no content in the centre section. --------------------- Your files are now ready for download. Please use the links provided below to access them - you have three attempts to download each file. Raglan Sleeve V Neck Sweater, Machine knitting pattern. Free download: (Link expires on Dec 08 2015, 10:56 AM) http://shop.jigsawknits.co.uk/index.php?_a=download&accesskey=fee188ed2c932450a83d004e7f208202 You can also access these files from your customer area of our website. --------------------- When the customer goes into their account and clicks the download link, nothing happens. It's the same for all customers, and for me as well. I'm completely baffled, as this has just suddenly started happening in the last week. Before that, everything was working perfectly... and I haven't changed a thing...
  4. Hi all, Cubecart version 5.2.5 - custom skin I'm at a complete loss as to what's happened here. Everything has been working fine for just over a year, and now suddenly customers are unable to download any of the files they've purchased - either free, or paid for. I've not changed anything, I've checked that the file paths are correct, and all seems to be OK as far as I can see. The customer can go through checkout just fine, but clicking on the download link in the confirmation email just takes them to their account. Clicking on the download link in the "Your Digital Downloads" section does absolutely nothing at all. This is a link to one of my free downloads so you can see what I mean: https://shop.jigsawknits.co.uk/index.php?_a=product&product_id=116 Thanks for any help!
  5. I've no idea how they were both added, all I did was add the one subdomain - shop. It had to be something done by the hosting company, though what, why and how is a mystery to me.
  6. I've looked at the DNS Administration section on my hosting control panel, and there's no way I'm going to alter or remove anything. I seriously don't understand any of it, and it doesn't look like something the hosting company would do for me. There are warnings everywhere saying that changing anything is at your own risk,and make sure you know what you're doing. I don't, so I won't! I did see something in Google Webmaster tools about removing a site from their search results. It didn't (at the time) look like it applied to my situation though. I may take another look and see if I can find anything.
  7. Well I got a reply, though I'm going to have to read it several times before I understand it "The sub-domain www. exists in your DNS which is why this may be crawled. To ensure this isn't listed, you may want to remove the www.shop CNAME record from your DNS zone file for this domain within your DNS Administration section to ensure this does not resolve."
  8. Thanks again.. I've submitted a support ticket to the hosting company, so I'll see what they have to say. I'll update this thread when I hear from them. It's a holiday today in the UK, so it could be a while if they're running with reduced staff.
  9. Thanks bsmither! The Site Documents box at the side is my own made up one, all the links go to PDF files hosted on my main domain that doesn't use SSL. The links at the top are the "real" site documents.. I had to add the extra side box as there wasn't enough room at the top for all 21 documents . I hadn't noticed the wrong URL in the copyright line, so thanks for that - I've changed it. Could that one wrong link have caused the problem with Google I wonder? Rebuilding the sitemap on the Maintenance - Rebuild tab has caused another oddity. There is NO sitemap.xml.gz or sitemap.xml anywhere in the root of the subdomain. I do have it set to show hidden files, so....
  10. With a bit of testing, this is exactly what's happening. Force SSL set to No: https://www.shop.... - the address indexed by Google which gives the SSL error. https://shop. - gives an instant error message "The page isn't redirecting properly. Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete." http://shop. and http://www.shop. - both give the error message "The page isn't redirecting properly. Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete." when a visitor clicks back from the basket to any of the main pages. Force SSL set to Yes: https://shop.... - works OK https://www.shop.... - the address indexed by Google which gives the SSL error. http://shop.... - redirects to https://shop, so OK http://www.shop.... - redirects to https://shop, so OK
  11. Thanks for your reply! The SSL certificate was installed on the subdomain by the hosting company (names.co.uk) so I assume it's setup correctly. This is what I currently have in Store Settings - SSL: If I set Force SSL mode to No, (leaving both URLs as they are above), when a user goes back from the https cart pages to any other page on the site, they get this error message: The page isn't redirecting properly Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete. Neither of the links in the image above will work if "www." is inserted before "shop" whichever way I have the Force SSL setting. It now appears that Google is indexing ALL my shop pages with the "www.shop." address which all give a security warning, so I've obviously got something wrong somewhere..
  12. I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, but if not, I apologise and hope someone could point me in the right direction please. I'm running Cubecart 5.2.5 which was an upgrade from Cubecart 3x. My store is set up on a subdomain with an SSL certificate, and I have Cubecart set to force SSL on all pages. This was necessary as without forcing SSL, the links went into an infinite loop and never completed. Googlebot has found the store on the subdomain, and it's appearing in search results. The problem is that Google is indexing the store incorrectly. The address is: https://shop.mydomain.com, but Google is indexing a lot of pages as https://www.shop.mydomain.com. If a potential customer clicks on the www.shop.mydomain.com link in the search results, they get an SSL error informing them that my site has potentially been hacked as the certificate isn't valid. That's obviously not good! Is there anything I can add to robots.txt please to stop Google indexing the address with the www added, or is the problem somewhere else? Many thanks in advance, and I hope I explained it correctly
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