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  1. Also, not that it matters to anyone but me but, for the record, I don't necessarily disagree with what they were saying, lol. Just gotta be extra careful with a business. Tracy
  2. Ok. I thought :Lorem ipsum" sounded familiar. I must have run across it before and just not paid attention to it. Thanks!
  3. Hi, I am concerned about something strange I saw today when trying to add a product. Whenever I am on the description tab and click on the picture button to an an image, in the box where you search the browser there is a little window that says preview. I noticed there were a bunch of words in the preview box that weren't in English. This is the case on all of my product descriptions that I have checked so far and DOES NOT appear on the product page so it is hidden in the code. I looked them up in Google translate and they are Latin. The translation looks a lot like gibberish but from what I can make out it is a sort of diatribe against the United States and using child labor to make products especially in relation to Nike products. I am not sure what this is or where it came from or if it was a hack against CC or put there by programmers but I am extremely concerned and uncomfortable with having this associated with my business. Can you please look in to it and find a way to fix it or give an explanation about how and why it is there. I have included 2 screen shots of the description tab and the Latin version and English Google translation. Thank you, Tracy Latin: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas feugiat consequat diam. Maecenas metus. Vivamus diam purus, cursus a, commodo non, facilisis vitae, nulla. Aenean dictum lacinia tortor. Nunc iaculis, nibh non iaculis aliquam, orci felis euismod neque, sed ornare massa mauris sed velit. Nulla pretium mi et risus. Fusce mi pede, tempor id, cursus ac, ullamcorper nec, enim. Sed tortor. Curabitur molestie. Duis velit augue, condimentum at, ultrices a, luctus ut, orci. Donec pellentesque egestas eros. Integer cursus, augue in cursus faucibus, eros pede bibendum sem, in tempus tellus justo quis ligula. Etiam eget tortor. Vestibulum rutrum, est ut placerat elementum, lectus nisl aliquam velit, tempor aliquam eros nunc nonummy metus. In eros metus, gravida a, gravida sed, lobortis id, turpis. Ut ultrices, ipsum at venenatis fringilla, sem nulla lacinia tellus, eget aliquet turpis mauris non enim. Nam turpis. Suspendisse lacinia. Curabitur ac tortor ut ipsum egestas elementum. Nunc imperdiet gravida mauris. "English" Translation: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Specialized freight development platform . Developers fear . Let us live diam purus, a course , please do not , easy life , no . 've Been on the fringe of the package. Now targeted , nibh not targeted at all, nor euismod orci felis , but to adorn the mass of the funny but please. No , my money and laughter . How to Choose my foot, tempor id , industrial , and, ullamcorper nec , for example. But the package. Nike employee. Duis velit augue , condimentum at , avenging a, of mourning, so that, the United States . Unfortunately, the kids want the job. Integer cursus , the likelihood of in the course of the throat, drink a lot of foot, the United States , for the time of tellus justo quis ligula. It also needs replacement. It's the official website , is as a real estate element, a variety of information on any employees, over time, the United States now nonummy some fear . In the fear of the United States , pregnant , from , pregnant , but, whisper it, ugly. In order to ultrices , very good at venenatis customers , salad nulla lacinia tellus, eget aliquet for drugs is not high school . For the Lakers . Stress on the fringe . Temperature and pressure as the very law enforcement element. Now financing pregnant funny.
  4. Hi, First of all, I am pretty new to this and don't know much about coding anything really, but I am teaching myself in order to get this done. At this point, I really want to use Regional Rate mailing because in some cases, it is the lower cost for my customers. I was wondering if that is a possibility? I have edited the code (going off of the pinned topic for small flat rate boxes, which worked perfectly for me) and can get Regional Rate Box A to show as a choice in the backend but even when I select it, it doesn't show as an option in the store. So, my question is, is it not possible (as I have seen with other shopping carts) or am I possibly typing something wrong since I cannot find anywhere that tells me how to type it. For example, you would type <string name="service_flat_box_priority_small"><![CDATA[Priority Mail Small Flat-rate Box]]></string> for small flat rate but how would you type it for regional and is that possibly my issue or is regional rate too complicated for the module as I have seen written about others? Hope this makes sense. I also have a second question. How do I get it to not show EVERY shipping option when purchasing an item. It shows box sizes and prices that are too small for an item because I have them ticked as an option in the module because some items will fit in them. However, when adding/editing a product I don't see any place to input measurements that would let the module know the item is too big for the shipping options (such as small flat rate being offered for an item over 9"). Thank you so much in advance for your help Tracy
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