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Posts posted by tvgadmin

  1. The image is used in the shopping cart, that's about the only place I've seen it. I'm not trying to design them. I meant file as the directory or file to create/edit the file. Thought maybe since one hasn't been created yet, there is nowhere to find them in the files.

  2. I'm trying to see if there is a way to create a gift certificate. The store settings gives me the option to purchase one, but I want to be able to just create them myself as well. I've looked in the database with no real solution, seems like all it shows is the same thing as my public html folder does...


    Any ideas? 

  3. Oh in case someone reads this and wonders how to remove the "hover over image to zoom" text...



    1. Go into the skins template folder ( /public_html/skins/SKIN NAME/templates/ ) 
    2. Open the content.product file. ( /public_html/skins/ ??? /templates/content.product.php )
    3. Find this line and delete it. (You can search for hover and will usually be the first in the list)

                   <p class="hover_zoom">{$LANG.catalogue.hover_zoom}</p>


    Location of line on basic skins are as follows:


    Crosshatch: Lines 10 / 11

    Kurotuo: Line 91 

    Mauris; Mican & Vanilla: Line 11

    Nota: Line 93


    This will vary depending on if you have an addon skins

  4. This is the <image> section from my config.xml file. This is how it came with the skin


    <image reference="thumbnail" maximum="120" quality="80" default="noimage_thumbnail.png" />
    <image reference="category" maximum="270" quality="100" default="" /><!-- Doesnt need a default -->
    <image reference="subcategory" maximum="120" quality="80" default="noimage_subcategory.png" />
    <image reference="gallery" maximum="40" quality="60" default="noimage_gallery.png" />
    <image reference="normal" maximum="270" quality="90" default="noimage_normal.png" />
    <image reference="tiny" maximum="40" quality="60" default="noimage_thumbnail_tiny.png" />
    <image reference="small" maximum="120" quality="80" default="noimage_thumbnail.png" />
    <image reference="medium" maximum="270" quality="100" default="noimage_normal.png" />
    <image reference="large" maximum="600" quality="100" default="" /><!-- Doesnt need a default -->
    The original picture is 400x300 
  5. Yea, they recently had a fire and not only rebuilt it but another location :) 


    I'm not sure what I'm looking for in the config.xml file. I see an image section but nothing seems to relate to the magnify script. I'm not trying to design or modify a skin, just trying to get it to work correctly *shrug* As far as the site goes I have it pulled down as I'm working on it. I don't want to leave it up because I do have people checking in on the new store development and don't want them thinking it's live when it's not.

  6. I am setting up my store, but for some reason the hover over image to zoon feature is definitely NOT working and I'm not sure how to fix it. I have been in the js.magnifier file and adjusted the width/height but it doesn't change anything. I'm not sure what else to honestly do. Any ideas?



  7. I have enabled PayPal Pro for my checkout, however I can't seem to process credit cards via PayPal. It shows a separate line for credit cards and it doesn't move them to a secure PayPal page. It pulls up another page on my site, which isn't secure and I have no idea why it's there, what it would use to process the cards or how to get rid of it.. Can someone help me? :)


    I have attached pictures as references.



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