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Posts posted by LaughingHorse

  1. My cart is set to Caching - Disabled there was no change.

    So I modified

    .top-bar-section ul li > a {
        font-size: 16px; /* adjust to suit */

    Went into the control panel and removed the cache.

    Still no change. So I changed that file back.

    I then changed the html in box/navigation.php to the following:

    {if $CATEGORIES}
    <nav class="top-bar category-nav" data-topbar="" id="box-navigation">
      <ul class="title-area">
         <li class="name"></li>
         <li class="toggle-topbar left"><span style="font-size: 2.0em;"><a href="">{$LANG.navigation.title} <i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></b></span></li>
      <section class="top-bar-section">
         <ul class="left">
            <li class="show-for-medium-up"><span style="font-size: 2.0em;"><a href="{$STORE_URL}" title="{$LANG.common.home}"><i class="fa fa-home"></i></a></span></li>
            <li><a href="{$STORE_URL}/gift-certificates.html" title="{$LANG.navigation.giftcerts}">{$LANG.navigation.giftcerts}</a></li>
            {if $CTRL_SALE}
            <li><a href="{$STORE_URL}/sale-items.html" title="{$LANG.navigation.saleitems}">{$LANG.navigation.saleitems}</a></li>

    Cleared the cache, and only the picture of the House got bigger. See attachment

    Top Menu - Screenshot from 2015-12-16 15:13:17.png

  2. I am trying to get the fonts bigger in the top menu that has the icon of the Home, and the names of the products.


    I tried adding <span style="font-size: 2.0em;"> </span> between various <li></li> tags in

    template file box.navigation.php

    But that did not seem to work. How can I make the fonts in that section bigger?

    Thanks in Advance!

  3. I would like to keep the reCAPTCHA on **only** when someone is singing up for the newsletter, or sending an email.

    I would like to avoid having them use it when placing an order at checkout. Customers are getting frustrated by entering wrong numbers, and complaining to us about that.

    Is there a way to do remove the reCAPTCHA for the checkout page only?

  4. I have the PayPal Standard module loaded and enabled.

    Up until today (when I had the earlier error of shipping disappearing which got solved), PayPal was active.

    Now when I go to the checkout page, the only option I have is "Secure Checkout" going to Authnet.

    I am using the Foundation skin (as vanilla with no mod's) for testing.

    The PayPal option is not there.

    I tried uninstalling the PayPal module and reinstalling, but it is not showing up.

    Is there anywhere I can check to see why, or do you have any suggestions on what I can try?

    It was working perfectly up till it disappeared. We were getting orders with people paying using it.

    My cart has a SSL certificate, and PayPal was working with the SSL certificate installed, so I know that is not a problem.

    I did the "Test Endpoint" and here is what I got form the request log

    Request Sent - https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr 0=null&1=1
    Response received

    When I tested, I did NOT receive an error message.

    Thanks in advance for your help.


    I forgot to add. When PayPal was working I was using PayPal-1.0.3, and when I re-installed I reinstalled PayPal-1.0.3.

    Before reinstalling I did go into Maintenance and

    Clear cache
    Clear SQL cache
    Clear language cache
    Clear image cache

    Clear admin activity logs
    Clear error logs
    Clear request logs
    Clear transaction logs
    Clear search log


    Rebuild Sitemap

  5. Thank You!

    I found that it worked best to put the font size I removed the color red.

    <span style="color:red;font-size:1.25em;"> 

    Before the

    <i class="fa fa-shopping-cart"></i>

    Which made the cart bigger. When I added the "fa=3x" it did not seem to make the cart big enough. I even tried 5x but to no avail. So I made the font-size:2.5em and added a <b></b> tag and also a <br /> after the <i class="fa fa-shopping-cart"></i>.

  6. USPS and all shipping methods are active




    I have not changed anything regarding weights. Every item has a weight. Every item was tested to make sure it would work.

    Suddenly, I keep getting an error message:

    "The following errors were detected:
    Unfortunately there are no suitable shipping methods available for your order. This may be because the total weight of your order is too high or we cannot ship to your country. Please contact a member of our staff for any further inquiries."

    Any idea why?

    I am getting this error on every single product.

    I have changed absolutely nothing in the Cube Cart system

  7. Sounds interesting. I know sometimes we get asked to include the invoice in  the package. And sometimes on non USA orders we are asked to email a ProForma.

    The tricky thing on a ProForma is all the notes and extra terms that sometimes have to be included.

    If you are doing a ProForma you also need to generate a Commercial Invoice as opposed to a standard Invoice. The invoice is the same, just the title has to say "Commercial invoice" (govenments and banks you know :) )

  8. The tech I spoke with suggested that may be the reason. And when we looked at the fingerprint we saw there was no Hash being sent over in it.

    She said she personally prefers to use AIM as there is more flexibility, though with SIM it is easier for Authnet support to find info as it stays on their site rather than being processed on an AIM site.

    On my site, AIM is working but SIM is not.

  9. Let's work on it. As I say, all the information is right there in the Order Summary.

    So a fast down and dirty way would be just to be able to print off that info.

    If it was going to be fancy, then the option of printing the store logo too. But I don't know that the store logo is really necessary at this point as the contact info is already there.

  10. New Info

    I just had another long conversation with Authnet suport

    One of the possible reasons for the error is I had not set a hash code on the authnet site.

    I did that while on the line with authnet support.

    The question now is, where do I put the code for the MD5 Hash setting in the authnet module?

    Also, the support person told me the SIM should be sending the info to


    as opposed to



  11. I'm wondering if there can be another button added for printing, and it would print the order for internal work.

    The information for the order is being displayed when you look at the "Order Summary"

    I tried to just print the page, but it turned into three pages.

    Anyway, if there was a way to print everything in the Order Summary and have a button called "Print Order" and Label the Packing List that is currently printing as "Print Packing List" that would be great.

    Is there a way to add this?

  12. Further, to add to this... When I did a test order the CC emailed me the receipt. On my emailed Customer Receipt it gave me both the billing and shipping address.


    In other words, the Customer gets the Bill to address and Ship to address  in their email receipt from the cart, but when I go in from Admin to print the order, I only get the Ship to address printed.

  13. Interesting. Have you double checked your cart and tried to process an order from Authnet?

    Should we both contact Authnet with what happened with your test and tell them they are screwed up?

    The processing for me is working when I use AIM, it is giving me the 99 code when I use SIM.

    I would much prefer to use SIM as I think it is safer for me security wise, and the ability to check decline codes etc.

  14. I read issue 538 where I think it said it was resolved, however, I am still not getting the billing address printing on the invoice.

    Is there something i can do with the skin as opposed to the changing core files, as I'm concerned that when the next update comes out, it will wipe out any changes to core files I made.

  15. I did another test.

    I created a cubecart cart on a different host, using a different domain.

    I installed the USPS module and Authorize.net module.

    did a test order with the test product, and got the 99 error.

    I then tried using the Authorize.net module 1.1.0 rather than 1.1.1

    Got the 99 error again.

    The URL to the old cart is


    Is your store using the current version of CC?

    Is it using the current version of Authnet 1.1.1


    Out of total frustration, I switched to AIM and it worked perfectly. The order was processed, charge showed in Authnet.

    I don't understand why it works with AIM and not with SIM.

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