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Alexey Shimkin

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Everything posted by Alexey Shimkin

  1. Thank You, I haven't looked in the js folder. I'll try and report the result. And I don't need to combine address fields, I'm going to use the comments field instead (which is optional), so I need only disable required address fields. As for package sales, can I create a package product (perhaps with the same id but with '-10' at the end), show its Add to basket field and button at the same page with the main product, and connect their stock levels?
  2. I have experience in PHP programming but mainly procedural, very little oop (only using object's properties as variables). So please try to be simple What I want to do: 1) remove some required fields (for example, address - it should be optional and single text area, there is comments field which could do) from check out page. I removed them phisically from the template but I need to disable their checking. 2) make several options for some products but with different price - not with additional cost. The goal is to allow customer to buy single product or a pack (i.e. of 10) with discount (like at http://www.blueheronarts.com/product_info.php?cPath=2&products_id=20). When I use discount option I get discount for more then 10 while I neen the reduced price for 10, 20, 30... items (and possibility to sell individual products with higher price). Besides I like to show the options on the product card, not in tab somewhere... When I use options, I finish with +95 price, and I don't know how to connect it with the same product in the stock (but ten times more quantity). Surely there should be a solution besides creating additional product? Not too much, isn't it?
  3. Thank you for the link, I believe it would be useful. Though the interface is rather intuitive, and I hadn't looked for the help for users or administrators yet. OK, there is no API. But there are file structure, plenty of variables and hooks, to begin with. Now I shoud look into files ang guess what they are destined to (names help but not much, especially for oere files. And as I don't know how to use hooks I'm trying to modify core that is not a very good thing, I know. As for variables, their names are helpful but only if You know which is exist, and besides there are issues with the usage area (I tried to call PRODUCTS from the product page, and nothing happend - while at the catalog it worked). I don't ask for the comprehensive manual but some tips for developers would be very appreciated.
  4. Hello everybody! After testing several ecommerce platforms I'm trying CubeCart, and I like it very much. But as I'm not a genius developer I need simple documentation. Recently I developed site using Processwire CMS, and there was API information (https://processwire.com/api/). Is there something similar for CubeCart? If no, could somebody who knows it enough make such a thing? It whould be enormously helpful.
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