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Everything posted by asehu

  1. Hello everybody! I'm having some problems with some translations. I'm using Foundation skin, I'm leaving some pics attached. __________________________ I know the "Your basket" text is implemented here: <h4 class="mini-basket-title nomarg pad-side">{$LANG.basket.your_basket}</h4>And when I acces to "/language/es-ES.xml" I see: <string name="your_basket" introduced="5.0.0"><![CDATA[Su cesta]]></string> "Su cesta" is the correct translation to spanish of "Your basket" but it's not working. So I don't really understand why it's not showing the translation. When I click the other languages, the same happes. It shows "Your Basket" and "Votre panier est vide.(translation of your basket is empty)" I haven't made any changes to the code, only changes into the control panel of cubecart. I have the web hosted here www.electroca.tk
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