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Posts posted by ridecals

  1. Hi All,

    I signed up with BluePay.  Supposedly I have I need to implement the payment in info.  Can someone please tell me what I need as an add in or where this info is supposed to go.  I think it has something to do with the API.


    Dave G

  2. I updated a product file and clicked on replace products.  I thought it would only replace the items in the file.

    Now my items are all gone except for the 130 that I thought I was updating.

    I tried to Restore the last database, but still no products.  I did clear the cache after too.

    Is the a way to get all my products back without having to reinstall all the product files?



  3. Has anyone else tried to use their templates?  You have to FTP or CPanel them in.  IF they show up in the admin page they come up with Blank white screens.

    Most of them don't show in the admin page.  Is the a maximum number of skins I can upload?

    What am I doing wrong.....

  4. Hi All,

    I added a document in the admin section, now none of my pages will scroll.

    The only other thing I did was add text to the header.  But every was fine after I did that.

    I only started after adding the page.

    I use e Shift

    The side bar moves, but the page does nothing.  I tried IE & Chrome.

    I tried other skins and it works fine.  Seems to be limited only to e Shift Skin.

  5. Hi All,

    Where do I add      <!-- and -->    ?  And does it matter if I am using e-Shift?

    To remove the category images in file skins/foundation/templates/content.category.php add comments <!-- and --> to the following


    <!-- {if isset($category.image)}
    <div class="row">
       <div class="small-12 columns"><img src="{$category.image}" alt="{$category.cat_name}" class="marg-bottom"></div>
    {/if} -->


    To remove sub category images


    <!-- {if isset($SUBCATS) && $SUBCATS}
    <ul class="medium-block-grid-6 text-center{if $CONFIG.catalogue_expand_tree ==1} show-for-medium-up{else} small-block-grid-3{/if}" data-equalizer>
       {foreach from=$SUBCATS item=subcat}
       <li data-equalizer-watch>
          <a href="{$subcat.url}" title="{$subcat.cat_name}">
          <img class="th" src="{$subcat.cat_image}" alt="{$subcat.cat_name}">
          <a href="{$subcat.url}" title="{$subcat.cat_name}"><small>{$subcat.cat_name}</small></a>
    {/if} -->


  6. To remove the category images in file skins/foundation/templates/content.category.php add comments <!-- and --> to the following


    <!-- {if isset($category.image)}
    <div class="row">
       <div class="small-12 columns"><img src="{$category.image}" alt="{$category.cat_name}" class="marg-bottom"></div>
    {/if} -->


    To remove sub category images


    <!-- {if isset($SUBCATS) && $SUBCATS}
    <ul class="medium-block-grid-6 text-center{if $CONFIG.catalogue_expand_tree ==1} show-for-medium-up{else} small-block-grid-3{/if}" data-equalizer>
       {foreach from=$SUBCATS item=subcat}
       <li data-equalizer-watch>
          <a href="{$subcat.url}" title="{$subcat.cat_name}">
          <img class="th" src="{$subcat.cat_image}" alt="{$subcat.cat_name}">
          <a href="{$subcat.url}" title="{$subcat.cat_name}"><small>{$subcat.cat_name}</small></a>
    {/if} -->


    Sorry, but add <!-- and --> where?

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