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Posts posted by Paleo

  1. So, I downloaded the StoreYa, shopzills, and shopping.com extensions from the cubecart marketplace to see if I could use one of them to get bing to recognize the file.

    It looks like bing likes the StoreYa txt file, but it is giving me the following error:

    The below headers/columns are not recognized and will be ignored.
    The below headers / column names are not in accordance with the specifications. Please update them.
    So will I need to go into the txt file and change some things?
  2. For quite a while now, the dashboard has a notification on it telling me that I need to update from version 6.1.1 to 6.1.5, so I go to the upgrade page.

    The upgrade page tells me v6.1.1 is the latest version, and that I don't need to upgrade.

    If I click force upgrade, the page sits and loads for a few minutes, then times out or just stops loading and nothing happens.


    What do I do?

  3. Uploading the CSV file to bing gives the following error:

    The file you are trying to upload doesn’t have a valid extension (for example, .txt, .qz, .zip, .qzip, .tar, .qz, .tgz, .xml). Please change the extension and try again.


  4. Adwords and Bing are both asking for a catalog, either by way of URL, FTP, or uploaded file. Neither of them seem to support the CSV file type.


    They call it a catalog, but basically they want product information, or product feed information. I found where I have a product feed access password, but I'm not really sure how to use it.

  5. I see where I can click two options:

    Import Catalog

    Export Catalog


    Clicking on export catalog leads me to a place where I can either download the catalog in CSV format which absolutely no one uses or can decode; or I can click and get a link... which again no one (google, bing, ect) can seem to decode.


    How in the world do I get my catalog? Is there a xml version or txt version? If not... why?

    Why do the links not seem to work for anyone? Am I missing something??

  6. Looks like the issue is I don't have a Pro account on PayPal.

    Years ago, paypal was completely integrated and merchant accounts could process card payments no problem.

    Paypal now wants $30 a month to do that...


    Thanks, but no thanks, paypal. I'm just going to remove the option to pay with a card, and stick with standard checkout.


  7. When I do a test checkout, I get:

    Unfortunately there are no suitable shipping methods available for your order. This may be because the total weight of your order is too high or we cannot ship to your country. Please contact a member of our staff for any further inquiries. 


    I have the usps module activated, I have a username added,  my items have weight, what else do I need?

    I do NOT have packaging sizes set, because almost every shipment will be different sizes. I just want a rough shipping estimate according to weight.

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