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Posts posted by Keegan

  1. Absolutely!

    I'm a data analyst for online advertising. With Google Tag Manager I can deploy scripts like Google Analytics, Facebook Pixels, and custom code to any page I need to without getting into the webpage code. I do it all from a dashboard that lets me create events as specific as tracking clicks on a specific CSS selectors. I take all of this data and use it to tell business owners about their audience and how people use their site.


    I can track clicks, page views, or even create events depending on the length of time a person stays on a page. The big draw for this is creating custom events and seeing which mediums visitors come from to complete those events. I use this data to help business owners spend online advertising dollars more efficiently.

  2. Thanks Dirty Butter.

    That did not work, but I did find a solution. Under the includes > extra there was an existing Google Remarketing html file with just the AdWords remarketing script in there. I replace that script with the Google Tag Manager script and it is now showing on all pages via Chrome's tag assistant and tag manager's debug tool. Thanks!

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