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Everything posted by seeknowevil

  1. Woohoo success. I tried the /store/ which it didn't like but when I changed it back to / it started working. Thanks for your help. bsmither: Do you ever sleep?
  2. Thanks for the response guys. I had a feeling it was the htaccess I tried using the files supplied by keat with no luck. I've also tried removing everything from the folder and db and starting again and it's still not working. The store is located in a sub-directory on my site called store would the htaccess need to be modified to account for that?
  3. Thanks keat, I've worked out the admin part. With the update to 6.1.1 the admin address page has change from admin.php to admin?????.PHP. Yeah I've added content. It's not even showing the registration page.
  4. Hi, I've just started using Cubecart and I've ran in to a problem where the pages load and show all the menus, latest products, best selling products and banners, But they aren't showing any of the main content. For example if I go to a product page or the registration page it all just looks like the attached image. *edit: I just did and an upgrade from 6.0.2 to 6.1.1 and now I get the same as above when I try to access the admin pages.
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