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Everything posted by IggyP

  1. ive got this reply from engineer>> Nothing has been modified before installing their 5.x version. It worked out of the box.I can guarantee it's not a open_basedir issue. this test was completed on test.mysite.com ... for whatever it might help....in my edit, i also removed a barrier directory so the actual path will be more like home/prison(barrier)/mysite.com/(www+subdomains)/public_html the configure command row as follows>> './configure' '--prefix=/opt/chr_nginx/php-5.6.29' '--with-config-file-scan-dir=/opt/chr_nginx/phpconf/5.6.29/conf.d' '--with-config-file-path=/opt/chr_nginx/phpconf/5.6.29' '--disable-all' '--disable-ipv6' '--disable-debug' '--disable-cgi' '--enable-cli' '--disable-fileinfo' '--disable-inifile' '--disable-flatfile' '--enable-sockets' '--enable-soap' '--enable-ctype' '--enable-opcache' '--enable-xmlreader' '--enable-xmlwriter' '--enable-libxml' '--enable-xml' '--enable-simplexml' '--enable-session' '--enable-mbstring' '--enable-inline-optimization' '--enable-bcmath' '--enable-calendar' '--enable-tokenizer' '--enable-json' '--enable-filter' '--enable-dom' '--enable-mysqlnd-compression-support' '--enable-pdo' '--enable-ftp' '--enable-zip' '--enable-posix' '--enable-fpm' '--enable-phar' '--with-zlib' '--with-mysqli=mysqlnd' '--with-mysql=mysqlnd' '--with-pdo-mysql=mysqlnd' '--with-mcrypt' '--with-gd' '--with-jpeg-dir' '--with-png-dir' '--with-freetype-dir' '--with-xmlrpc' '--with-imap' '--with-imap-ssl' '--with-kerberos' '--with-openssl' '--with-curl' '--with-mhash' '--with-iconv' '--with-pear' '--with-bz2' '--with-gmp' 'CFLAGS=-O3 '-march=core-avx-i' '-mno-ssse3' '-mno-sse3' '-pipe' '-fomit-frame-pointer'' during my cc6 tests, i tried both entering the "optional" sock and leaving it blank, both failed the same....i can confirm the sock file is in that location listed.. i checked the cc5 file also but of course it is blank in regard to that setting... looking at global.inc.php now for a failed cc6 attempt...host and socket info are indeed correct and yes you are right the host is localhost
  2. there are many reasons to favor arch linux...after learning more about it, i think it seems more like a question of why more people DONT use it....the obvious answer is probably because things can be more complicated and needing manual work from cli rather than panels that many people use...which those panels are vulnerable to security or upgrade issues, hog resources etc and pack in much more than is needed...if you glance quickly at the internet, it might seem like arch is experimental or unstable, but its not the case...with proper scripts it is easy to manage. Its rock solid, it was built for developers by developers with core thoughts in mind: security, performance, and modularity. You need an app? You compile it. You do not rely on others. You get the latest software version. You get the latest software features. Security patches are issued within hours not days/weeks/years/never compared to other operating systems. Moreover, you get access to all the new feature the developers add to their applications etc. Largest software packages database in the world. If ArchLinux Database does not have the software you are looking for (more than 43,000 software packages) then it probably doesnt exist. Another advantage is that it is a rolling release, meaning you do not have to reinstall it to change to a higher version. You just update the packages and that is it. This feedback comes from someone who used to recommend CentOS to his customers for years, but after he tried Archlinux he would not consider going back... i think it is the future and will only become more popular as people learn about it. as for this issue, i am happy to try and help you if i can reference any info for you or run a test etc its not a problem
  3. i should note, that the /test directory refers to a subdomain that was setup...trials for this test installation were done on both the root url and a test.mysite.com subdomain but both failed exactly the same way... im sorry, im not trying to be secretive but respectful...he told me the proper code for the sqli, but said that it was for my reference only and expressed an intention to not freely fix a commercial software...regardless of if i agree or not, i cant just turn around and tell you what he has asked me not too....i will ask him more about it again perhaps the open source version 6 would make a difference but im not sure....its still a commercial company correct? addons etc still cost right? not sure what difference it makes to him, but ill try asking again...fwiw it is vbulletins lead server tech, a devops specialist and system enginner he is pretty well versed but honestly some of it is over my head..
  4. heres a shot of the phpinfo sqli section... the core table include_path is " .:/opt/chr_nginx/php-5.6.29/lib/php " so far there is a vbulletin and also an xcart installation that is working... all server and site management is done thru cli... ...it may be something relative to arch or this config, but still seems relevant to an issue in the core coding....our engineer has offered a hack solution, as he seems to have found one, but of course that would have to be reimplemented for each new update, so its not ideal...he told me the issue in confidence so im trying to remain respectful to all sides but if it helps i can tell you the discussion started with the words " For reference only, this is how you proper instantiate a database: " btw fwiw, this is toward an upgrade from cc4 for a client who has been with cc for over a decade
  5. the centos server is mine....this is for a client... "open_basedir" is implemented as a security measure to prevent any server intrusion.The script has access to given paths that allows it to function only not to tamper the server core files. i believe you are mistaken and this is a cubecart 6.1.1 issue... the 5.2.7 version installed without issue... yes of course i have verified mysqli is indeed there, and there are several other sites working just fine with the same configs on the arch server so why would they not also have issue if it was a server cause? i have employed a very skilled engineer but he says he will not fix a solution in your code for a commercial software. at this time i must advise my client to try upgrading within cubecart 4 or 5, but if this can be fixed im sure it would be better to try the recent development
  6. i made it thru all the checks...to the last step at 80% with DB info entry.... i then tried on a centos server and it went in just fine no issues at all so im not sure what exactly, but this arch<< is arch linux and its a pretty highly customized server so it wont surprise me if an extension or package is missing somewhere...just couple days ago had to install xmlwriter for another site for example, which is pretty standard on most builds afaik... i looked over one error log..had alot of things like>> PHP Warning: file_exists() [<a href='http://docs.php.net/manual/en/function.file-exists.php'>function.file-exists.php</a>]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/opt/chr_nginx/php-5.6.28/lib/php/smarty_internal_data.class.php) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/mysiteblahblah/ssl:/home/mysiteblahblah/public_html:/home/mysite.com/test/tmp) in /home/siteblah.com/test/public_html/classes/autoloader.class.php on line 89 PHP Warning: mysqli::query() [<a href='http://docs.php.net/manual/en/mysqli.query.php'>mysqli.query.php</a>]: Couldn't fetch mysqli in /home/mysite.com/test/public_html/classes/db/mysqli.class.php on line 203 like....over 1300 of those....then one of these at the end>> PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function fetch_assoc() on null in /home/mysite.com/test/public_html/classes/db/mysqli.class.php on line 124
  7. trying to install a trial on this new server, but after entering the DB infos at 80% completed, it either loops back to start or goes to a white screen, depending what browser i tried...even reuploading files doesnt fix...i thought perhaps a php extention was missing or something...can anyone tell me what exact server requirement, or if it is even possible on arch/nginx? thank you
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