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Posts posted by M6VMO

  1. I was wondering if I could have the code for the iframe.

    I am desperately trying to make my shop open in the same window, but so far, even basic iframe code did not work for me, which it usually does:

    <iframe src="https://www.composer-componist.tk/shop/index.php?set_language=nl-NL&set_currency=EUR" width="100%" height="300" style="border:0">

    It even displayed a 404 error in place of the iframe.

    Any idea where I could have gone wrong?

    Thanks in advance.


  2. Hello,

    I have started using CC641 (very) recently.

    I have managed to set a lot of it up, but sometimes some very weird things happen.


    I ONLY sell digital goes live.


    downloads (PDF sheet music and MP3 files) and I never intend to start selling physical goods.

    However, I did a test buy tonight, and a red alert popped up saying there was no suitable shipping method for my sale, because it was either too heavy or it could not be shipped to my country.

    Is there any way I can turn all factors that could influence shipping (weight, size, shipping address etc.) off completely?

    Every time I add aproduct I set the weight to 0, but imagine the embarrassment when something like that happens when my shop goes live.


    Any suggestions anyone?

    Thanks in advance.

  3. But unfortunately the solution didn't work.

    I made an image, uploaded it to the folder you told me to upload it to and put the path in the plugin settings, but the page then just shiws the radio buttin.

    I used the same dimensions for the image as the Paypal one: 319x83.




































































































































































































































































































  4. I would like to add something:

    A feature I have seen in the Stripe module on other Ecommerce scripts, adding Bancontact to the list of cards, this was supposed to be done if you had customers in Belgium (which I do).

    But, on the other hand, I also have the issue that Stripe does not display anything about available cards, all I have on the checkout page is a radio button with the word "Stripe" next to it.


  5. Furthermore, the Addthis code is:

    <!-- Go to www.addthis.com/dashboard to customize your tools -->
    <script type="text/javascript" src="//s7.addthis.com/js/300/addthis_widget.js#pubid=ra-5a9898f373af59ac"></script>

    and the PHP code in modules/social/index.php mentions "/js/250/...", however, in the js folder, there is none of those folders present.

  6. I'm afraid they do not when I resize the window and not in "Responsive Design Mode".

    Could you tell me where exactly I have to enter the code Addthis gives me?

    There does not seem to be an option for Cubecart.


  7. Well, quite simply, since the articles in the shop will be the same for whatever language, I just want the visitor to see the shop in his/her own language, ie. the language of the part (English or Dutch) of the website they selected the shop page from.

    "Locking" is, of course, a big word, but there is not really much point in people being able to change to the other language as, like I said, the contents of the shop will be the same, and also, not many Brits are likely to understand Dutch, are they?

    So, basically, it does not matter much what happens to the other settings, as long as the visitor can see and use the shop in his/her own language and currency upon arrival (If they can change those, fine, if not, fine too).

  8. On my website https://www.m6vmo.tk one part is in English and one part in Dutch.

    The URL to the shop on the English part is  https://www.m6vmo.tk/cube/ and on the Dutch part it is https://www.m6vmo.tk/cube/index.php?set_language=nl-NL

    On the index page of the site there is a button to choose the language you want to see the main site in/

    In case you want to visit the site, it is still under construction, but the parts I mentioned are all working.



  9. Hi bsmither,

    thank you for your help.

    Only, it has only helped partly.

    It does now show euros on the Dutch part of CC, but when I access CC from the English part of the site, although the URL is set as https://www.m6vmo.tk/cube/ as opposed to ......./index.php?set_language=nl-NL, the English part now also opens in Dutch and in Euros.

    When I access the site on my mobile, the same thing, except that both languages are in £.

    Probably a small oversight, I guess.


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